Some pics of my tank


New member
Here are some pics I have taken recently in my 180.

A few shots I got of the fish today. I borrowed my daughters d80 just to see what I could do with it vs my d3200. Also because the 60 mm macro will autofocus on her d80, but not on my d3200 lol.

Wow how do you get such clear pictures?

The last group of pics were taken at high apertures (between 30-40) shutter speeds of 1/2 to 2 seconds and iso set to 100. I used a 60 mm macro lens manual focus on my nikon d3200. All pumps in the tank were turned off and I used a tripod and the self timer with a 5 second delay on the shutter to eliminate camera shake from me pushing the button. I was experimenting to get max depth of field and it seems to have worked pretty well.