Someone go win the $1 Black tang this weekend at ReefBox Grand Opening


New member
Wish I had my bigger tank setup for a chance to win this black tang! Someone go win this for me :beer:

Was going on my typical fish store rounds on the weekend & noticed Reefbox Aquariums (old reef aquariums of miami - bird rd) was open. Nice guy, clean shop & he told me about his grand opening this weekend..:celeb1:

So figure I would spread the love & hope someone else can win the tang...

Jeovany is the owner and a great guy and friend to the club.....He is also helping support our club this weekend on the tank hop with some donations....a great opportunity to help support the local stores so dont be shy to stop buy his store for sure when every you guys get a chance
Damn, have to be present to win. I was thinking of going in the morning to check it out. Well that sucks! C'mon Jo, some of us have kids, LOL!
I hope the person who wins it is on the forum and shares it. I really wanna see it. And not for resale either...
Thanks for the love guys!

Congrats to Willi for winning the tank hop gift certificate.

Danny, so sorry brotha, the day of I bent the rule and let everyone partake in the raffles even thou they couldn't be present for the drawing. We had fifteen raffle items in total and 3 winners weren't present at the drawing. The black tank was one of them. Everything was documented and filmed. The winner of the Black Tang went to Jose Pena.

The Grand Opening was a great success, thanks to all those that participated. Really much appreciated!
