Someone please help


Premium Member
can someone please tell me what was the problem with SHARK ? Why didn't anyone want to host a meeting ? I know something had to be wrong , but I don't know what we needed to do to correct the problem . Someone , give me a clue .
I've wondered the same thing. I spologize for having to cancel the last meeting but my whole house was on/off sick for about 4-5 months since canceling. I'd be willing to attempt hosting again if anyone would show.
Tank is doing pretty well. Had a halide bulb go out so i replaced both of them with 14k phoenix bulbs.

Seem to be having a small outburst of bristle worms though, counted at least 20 smaller ones this evening and a few larger ones. Debating on whether or not i should add a wrasse now or later before they become a bigger problem. I planned on adding a wrasse eventually anyway, may keep the population in check.
I'm going to have to remove everything from my tank , and replace the old sand bed , with new sand . A while back I let my PH get too low ,and most of the sand bed fused together . It is so hard I can't get it to break up . I have my calcium , Alk. , and Mag. all back in line now . When I put everything back in the tank , I want to have all the rock supported up off the sand , and arranged so I can stir the sand everyday . The sand will only be about 2" deep . I don't like deep sand beds . It is going to be a big job , so I will need to get everything ready , and set up before I start .
Neglect is a killer

Neglect is a killer

I a'm guilty of neglect , and there is no excuse . I just had too many things going on at once , and didn't allow time to maintaine my tank . A while back I let my PH get too low ,and most of the sand bed fused together . It is so hard I can't get it to break up . I have my calcium , Alk. , and Mag. all back in line now . When I put everything back in the tank , I want to have all the rock supported up off the sand , and arranged so I can stir the sand everyday . The sand will only be about 2" deep . I don't like deep sand beds . It is going to be a big job , so I will need to get everything ready , and set up before I start .

This is my sand bed now .



(Neglect is a killer) This was supposed to be a new thread . I guess I hit reply instead of new thread . Sorry .
can someone please tell me what was the problem with SHARK ? Why didn't anyone want to host a meeting ? I know something had to be wrong , but I don't know what we needed to do to correct the problem . Someone , give me a clue .

I just don't think this area will support a reef club. There's not enough people. Compare the population in this area to our nearest clubs area. I wish I had some numbers to throw around but I don't. Lets use a 1 hour radius. How many people are within 1 hour of Tampa? How many people are within 1 hour of Spring Hill? It's safe to say that they have a lot more people in the area and therefore a lot more members. It's just a numbers game. If say 1% of the population keeps a tank, and 10% of those keepers would join a club, you have to have a big population to support having a club. I don't think you or anyone else did something wrong. I just don't think a club will survive here with this areas limited population.
I just don't think this area will support a reef club. There's not enough people. Compare the population in this area to our nearest clubs area. I wish I had some numbers to throw around but I don't. Lets use a 1 hour radius. How many people are within 1 hour of Tampa? How many people are within 1 hour of Spring Hill? It's safe to say that they have a lot more people in the area and therefore a lot more members. It's just a numbers game. If say 1% of the population keeps a tank, and 10% of those keepers would join a club, you have to have a big population to support having a club. I don't think you or anyone else did something wrong. I just don't think a club will survive here with this areas limited population.

You make a good point , and I thank you for your help , and input . I know there are several people in this area that have reef tanks , but I guess they just don't care to belong to a club .