Something we ignore


New member
Snapped this last night and thought it was worth sharing. Those tiny tiny little Hitchhiker Dusters we all just ignore. Several growing out of thick encrusting Coralline. Just a neat shot worth sharing , for a cell phone shot, I think it's better than I can get with my DSLR.


  • A1  good 2-24-19 - Copy.jpg
    A1 good 2-24-19 - Copy.jpg
    103.5 KB · Views: 0
Very nice. I've always enjoyed looking at the little stuff. Even when diving I tend to miss the big flashy fish while on the prowl for the cool little critters.
Very nice. I've always enjoyed looking at the little stuff. Even when diving I tend to miss the big flashy fish while on the prowl for the cool little critters.


Even after 3 years in a tiny nano, every once in a while I'll find something new in there and I'm enamored for at least an hour just staring at it.
Thanks all I love looking at the tiniest of things too. Crazy that a phone camera can shoot such a shot of something so small!