Sometimes I hate myself...


New member
Like when I come home from a long day running around and begin working on my tank at 11PM, only to decide "hey, since i'm at it I might as well do this..." and 2 hours later realize i'll be up all night fixing what i did!
I decided I would remove half my rock to clean algae off everything. then thought i would vaccuum up the PO4 farm under the rocks. And now the tank is so cloudy I have to turn off all the pumps and let it settle so I can see what i'm doing.
SOOOooo much fun!
I find myself doing that exact same thing lol and whats worse is that it tends to be on the nights I have to be up super early the next morning
Ah yes, been there done that. More than once I have wondered why half the rock that is supposed to be in my tank presently in buckets scattered around the family room. What is particularly frustrating is when I tell myself "don't start something late that you know is going to take a long time". I do anyway and fine myself where you were last night. Into a project that has no good stopping point until finished.
i did that when i came back from houston...i was gone 8 days and my automatic feeder was dosing too much...i had green algae everywhere...i had to take 75lbs of rock out and scrub made the water in my tank so cloudy i couldn't see where to put the rock back...and when i did...i think i crushed a small green chromis ;(
Well I managed to get to bed at about 3AM. I placed my rocks with attached corals back in but I used "The Force" to place them. Needless to say i have a LOT of frags now. Whats Reeeeeally fun is when i get off work today (11PM) I have to do the exact same thing to the right side of my tank.
You of all people know that owning a reef tank, requires you to take the Hippocratic oath: Do no harm.

So WHY are you doing this??


And I'll take some frags, thanks!
I'm having a bit of a hair algae problem and have decided to stop treating the symptoms and get to the root of it. pulling my rocks out, swishing them in clean water to remove detritis and taking a boat brush to open patches of rock to clean them thoroughly. well, my carefully stacked rocks shifted in the bucket and a few things got pulverized. one of which is my purple acro.
I thought I would do this first, and if the problem didn't subside i'm going to take out the sandbed.
All in all, its a near breakdown and clean.