At todays meeting there was a gentleman? who for some strange reason was able to recognize me from my RC name without any introduction ( very strange, he must have been psycic ). When he approached me and said "hey one eye" I turned and said "what do you mean?" He then turned and disapeared into the crowd. It was a joke, I tried to find you later but was unsuccesful. Please remember that it was just a joke, maybe in poor taste but at least I didn't call you a foul name or insult the size of your manhood. This, as twisted as it may seem, is an honest effort at an appology. If this was your first meeting please do not judge the rest of BRS by my inapropriate behavior. Again, I am truly sorry for any mental anguish I may have caused you and, or your family. I hope there is no permanet scaring.
Very, Truly Sorry, Darren err I mean one eye
Very, Truly Sorry, Darren err I mean one eye