SOS! Free fish need a home ASAP!


Active member
Well, today was my b-day. My sister thought it would be cool to surprise me with some new fish for my aquarium. She bought them from Petco. I got home and saw the bags on top of my hood (thankfully she did not put them in the tank). We tried to take them back to Petco but they have a no-refund policy on saltwater fish. I have no room for them in my tank, so I need to find a home for them ASAP. Here is what I have:

1 Black Damsel
2 Cardinals

I live in Rancho Santa Margarita. Let me know if you are interested.
Damn those r tight. To far OC, plus Im in a full metal brace I cant drive till next week :(

Re: SOS! Free fish need a home ASAP!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6868731#post6868731 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Super NooB

1 Black Damsel
2 Cardinals

I live in Rancho Santa Margarita. Let me know if you are interested.

Xenia, that was the plan... I am just making it sound more urgent so someone comes and gets them tonight :p

RSM is like 30 minutes from HB
I'll give Lastin1 about 10 minutes to respond to my PM, after that it goes:

Hawaiian Boi

If Hawaiian can't come tonight then Drowsy gets them. Just trying to be fair and go in order of response.