SOS Tank!


New member
Hi everybody, I need your help! I have had many marine tanks in my life all with good results but this last one is becoming a huge problem. I don't know what to do anymore. Corals are in good health (quite all) but most of them don't grow and colours are dark or not bright.

I'm going to explain you something more about the tank.

The tank has 18 months: 120x90x60 cm; dsb of 15-17 cm of calcium carbonate + living rocks (40-50 kg). Sps + Lps, no soft corals but one.
Movement: Jebao pumps (before 4 SW8, now 2 Sw8+1 cross Flow); lighting: 2 Gnc Bluray (blue 75 %, white 35 %, no red); first time I use leds, always used Hqi before; skimmer: Bubble King Supermarin 200; calcium reactor; ozone reactor (not in use in this period); fluidised bed reactor with Aquaforest Zeolith + Phosphate minus + life biofill + carbon.

I've tried to change the setting of quite everything, pumps, skimmer, ozone"¦.I had 6 Dsuny E6 Lights on the tank before and honestly colors were better, but everybody said that they were "œChinese= not good" so I have replaced them with 2 GNC Bluray hoping to have better results"¦.honestly Dsuny were better!!

In this period I use Aquaforest method: I've tried to reduce/increase the dosing of the products but nothing has changed. I feed the tank with phytoplankton (produced by myself) + zooplankton.

Values are all good: I make Icp-oes tests every month and values are always ok.

My question is: is there something that I'm not checking/forgetting?
What do you think about led lighting? I have always used Hqi bulbs with good results, bright colours, rapid growth, tank full of coralline algae"¦now the tank is empty of them"¦.I'm starting thinking that the real problem are leds"¦..

Any suggestion/experience? What can be the problem?!

Thank you for your help!
What exactly are your parameters? I had the same problem and a few people told me my nitrate and phosphate was too low at 5ppm and 0ppm, respectively. They provided a lot of reading material and videos on the subject. Here is a video on the subject.

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yep... please state your main parameters...
nitrate/phosphate/alk/cal/mag/salinity for starters..

Seems like you have thrown everything but the kitchen sink at the tank and are clearly showing that this isn't a guarantee for success at all..

Can you show some pictures of the corals? What is "dark" do you mean "brown"? Is "not bright" mean pale/faded pastel colors?

When did you change the lighting?
When did you start to notice coral "issues"?
Hi, sorry for the delay, I was waiting for the ICP-OES test results that I'm going to attach here.
Do someone has the GNC Bluray? Any experience?



Here the results


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