Soulpatch's build thread (ongoing)

Some random zoa thrown in by my local reef lfs. Have me three tiny pieces I have around the tank.

Guess it pays to have your local guy know you by name. Ha ha. He has 3 huge frag tanks and a couple tiny tanks of ora fish/inverts and that is it. Really he is just there to sell coral.
Shame you aren't close to philly as this guy even holds classes at his shop teaching us new comes all kinds of tips and tricks
So after really looking at my algae and not seeing much die off since starting the GFO I think it might be Bryopsis which is the hardest to get rid of. I think I had it come in on a coral I got at the frag swap a couple weeks ago and it has grown like weeds.

So to treat I ordered in some Kent Tech M to raise my mag levels. In doing some serious research it appears that this works so hopefully it solves my problems.
Oddly enough I came home today and saw my clown fish playing with the hermits. OH CRAP he was not playing but being eaten. I am unsure what came of him but I fear that he might have had the same parasite that killed the other clown. My six line and randalls goby are both fine and eating normally. I did have a small service for the clown and the six line gave an eloquent speech.

RIP buddy
No not from my tank as my other fish are fine. I lost one clown early due to disease and I fear that the second got it but it did not show till recently.

When i pulled his body out he had white blotches (not ich) which was similar to the other clown. I forget the name of the disease off the top of my head but it is common in clowns and looks spot on to what these guys looked like.

Regardless I will worry about replacing them later. I need to get my bryopsis under control. My Kent tech M should be delivered today to start the process of raising my mag levels to kill it. I am currently in a hold state on equipment (I want the neptune DOS), corals (letting an awesome Duncan pass by at LFS), and fish (There is also a BEAUTIFUL snowflake clown pair at LFS for $70 I am passing up) till the algae is under control.

With my lighter stock I can move my corals and fish into a holding tank at my LFS and nuke my rock if I have to to get rid of the byopsis but that would mean restarting my cycle somewhat. I can salvage some of the bacteria but it would be a set back.
So this weekend was time for some tank maintenance.

I ran water tests and saw that my nitrates were high. So I did a water change and will do some more this week to stabilize them. I am guessing that while I was sick for the past week that my daughter and wife massively overfed.

I need the nitrates and such under control before I can raise mag to fight off the bryopsis in my tank. I also need to test my phosphates once water is stabilized to see if I need to add more GFO to the reactor.

Even with the dirty water the LPS is loving it. My frogspawn and hammers look like they have heads coming in and my torch has not been extending like this in some time. So trying to bring levels down slowly to not **** them off but they need to come down for my red planet before I lose her.

Yesterday I FINALLY got around to hooking up the LEDs to the apex. I went about hooking everything up and plugging in the lights to ensure they turned on (I rewired some things) and then went about mounting the ballasts in the stand to the "roof" of the top shelf. I plug in the apex wire and poof no lights.

Freaking Apex in their wisdom of screwing with customers made the black wire positive and the red negative. This is opposite of EVERYTHING one knows about wire colors especially if you work on cars/motorcycles as much as I do. House is black and white typically unless you are going three wire set up but none the less black is negative...

So I had to pull down every driver (4 total) and rewire them to inverse the apex wires. Hooked it back up and I have beautiful sunrise and sunsets. I still need to tweak the color scenarios to get it as I want but at least she is working.

Still on the list for hookup:

float switch for the RODI brute can to avoid an oops moment.

this week will be water changes, testing, water changes, testing, then dosing with tech m to clear up issues in tank.
UGH nearly a disaster today.

I came home from work after picking up the baby from daycare. It normally takes me ll of an hour to get her and home but today it took just over 4 hours due to our ice storm. So upset baby for an hour coupled with the stress of driving in the ice was putting me over the edge.

Get home walk in the door and hear a gurgling. This cant be good. Check the 125 gallon first and it is fine so I rush to the basement and see the cube about 4 gallons shy in water. Uh Oh. Immediately I pull the plug on the apex to stop everythingand see water dripping off of my skimmer. Here when I did maintenance yesterday I (like a dumb SOB) left a ball of filter floss on the top of my rack and did not position it to the side of my skimmer outlet like normal. I allowed the floss to sit against the bottom of the overflow. This created pressure which forced the skimmer to overflow onto my floor.

Thankfully it is in the basement so a shop vac and a fan is all that was needed. I have the skimmer off for the night and probably till the weekend since we have bad weather planned all week and I dont want the stress of it coupled with weather.

I think I might plumb it up differently to dump into the actual chamber instead of my media rack. That or I will switch where I put any floss in the media rack to avoid this in the future.

Just not my day
I am sorry to here that. But I do feel ur pain. Had water all over the place this morning due to faulty solenoid value. I know we will have silly mistakes and stuff but it just seems to happen at the worst time. At least you caught it before it totally killed ur tank. Hang in there bud.
Yeah no detriment to the tank and I had water already made so was a quick top off and checking the tank. Much better then the morning I came down to see my 125 about 50 gallons short and it raining in my basement
Uh-huh.....convince me to get a HOB skimmer for my BC and then tell us that it flooded!.....I see how it is!

J/K man, I'm glad it didn't do much damage to anything.
HA HA It would be one thing if IT flooded due to a malfunction but I flooded it by my own stupidity.

And if you think about it a HOB skimmer is less of a worry then a sump that many have.

Heck when I lost 50 gallons out of my 125 it was still streaming out. My one pump blew an o ring and was spraying water under the cabinet in a fine mist that was nearly impossible to see. Crap happens when you have a fragile water containment device.

I might get a leak sensor though to be able to shut off my reactor and skimmer in the off chance of a leak in the future.
great thread soul, i will also be starting a 29 gallon biocube soon and these sort of threads give me hope that i can succesfully do it
So thought i would share a few pics of the ato container and where i put my drivers. I am still battling the algae in my tank and trying to keep my mag levels up with the tech m. So far the growth has slowed but not killing it yet. I have another couple days of dosing slowly to get to the 2100 mag level though...

And here is the scroundel I am battling. Fairly certain it is bryopsis sine it is so fern like.

So with my algae fight started to swing into my favor with dosing as well as manual clean up and flipping rock I am looking to add back to my tank.

Friday I am going to my LFS to look at some fancy black ice clowns to add. I also have my guy ordering me in a tailspot blenny. He can clean the rock work while my court jester goby cleans my sand.

I will be setting up the QT tank this weekend for them so they can live in there while I finish my algae battle. Should be done in the next couple weeks which is perfect for the 4 weeks or so for the QT.

Final things for tank set up are as follows:

Still need to attach the PH probe to the apex after I go through the calibration

Purchases coming:

I need to purchase a small dosing pump (BRS most likely) for carbon dosing to keep nitrates in check.

Gyre 130 (While I like my RW4 I am getting some detrious buildup and quite frankly I dont want numerous PH in my tank. So I will throw in a gyre and keep the RW4 for QT or if I need spot treatment in the tank even with the gyre.)

Second heater for QT

QT Setup:

I will be getting a 10Gal tank for QT
I have a aqua clear filter already that was used for a guppy breeder tank so I will clean that and use that.
Heater will be a small jaeger I have siting around
Light will be a compact PC light
I have a MJ1200 I can put in for flow for the time being.
PVC pipe for hideaways as well.
Air pump with stone if needed

As for dosing I am unsure if I will med the water at all or let them go and see what is needed. I am leaning towards simply dosing to be on the safe side. While more stressful I would rather be safe then sorry since I will be spending pretty penny on the clowns.

QT tank will not be cycled so water changes galore are going to be needed. I still need to think this through since the water change station is in the basement with the nano tank but I dont really have a spot down there for the qt tank. So it looks like trips with buckets will be made up 2 flights of stairs to a spare bedroom where I can easily keep the QT tank.