So this weekend was time for some tank maintenance.
I ran water tests and saw that my nitrates were high. So I did a water change and will do some more this week to stabilize them. I am guessing that while I was sick for the past week that my daughter and wife massively overfed.
I need the nitrates and such under control before I can raise mag to fight off the bryopsis in my tank. I also need to test my phosphates once water is stabilized to see if I need to add more GFO to the reactor.
Even with the dirty water the LPS is loving it. My frogspawn and hammers look like they have heads coming in and my torch has not been extending like this in some time. So trying to bring levels down slowly to not **** them off but they need to come down for my red planet before I lose her.
Yesterday I FINALLY got around to hooking up the LEDs to the apex. I went about hooking everything up and plugging in the lights to ensure they turned on (I rewired some things) and then went about mounting the ballasts in the stand to the "roof" of the top shelf. I plug in the apex wire and poof no lights.
Freaking Apex in their wisdom of screwing with customers made the black wire positive and the red negative. This is opposite of EVERYTHING one knows about wire colors especially if you work on cars/motorcycles as much as I do. House is black and white typically unless you are going three wire set up but none the less black is negative...
So I had to pull down every driver (4 total) and rewire them to inverse the apex wires. Hooked it back up and I have beautiful sunrise and sunsets. I still need to tweak the color scenarios to get it as I want but at least she is working.
Still on the list for hookup:
float switch for the RODI brute can to avoid an oops moment.
this week will be water changes, testing, water changes, testing, then dosing with tech m to clear up issues in tank.