With the decrease in the number of manufacturers of hobby related metal halides, I thought it would be a good place to have a central source for this equipment. Please add your sources and I will add to this top post so they’re all together.
This thread is for long terms sources for metal halide related items, not just what a retailer is selling that they have left over.
Here’s the summary.
This thread is for long terms sources for metal halide related items, not just what a retailer is selling that they have left over.
Here’s the summary.
Metal Halide | Premium Aquatics
Aquarium & Fish Supplies Superstore. Guaranteed Low Prices. Free Shipping for qualified orders. Aquarium supply for your aquarium fish, saltwater aquariums, freshwater aquariums and ponds. The best aquarium lighting, protein skimmers, aquarium chillers, calcium reactors, aquarium pumps for fish...

Search Result

Spectra - Giesemann Aquaristic
High-End Aquarium LED Beleuchtung, Aquarium Hybrid Beleuchtung und premium Aquarien. Handgefertigt und made in Germany

Search: 8 results found for "Aquarium*"
If you are looking to highlight some space in your place with a new lamp that reflects your own style, you have come to the right lighting store. Visit us and be ready to be stunned!

Reef Brite – The Professional's Choice

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