Sourcing a 150g long.


New member
I am looking for who sells 150g long tanks. 5x2x2. Or who can do a custom and do 27" in depth.

I'd like to get one that is un-drilled as I want to install a ghost overflow like solution on the side. This will be in in-wall until where the front and right side will be visible.

I'd also like the front and right to be low-iron glass.

I know of SCA and GlassCages.


Its just a 120 with an extra foot of width. Which is perfect for the wall I'm building it in.

Right now all I can really find is the SCA 150 for $895. May be my only choice but at least it's a high quality option.
Crystal Dynamic Aquariums they are in San Diego Ca, they have a great web site, it allows you to do pricing with different options.
glasscages is another, but like cincyjim, I ordered from SCA. Customer service was great. He'll customize one for you if you want too.
Got the standard 5x2x2 on sale for 800 last summer.
They have the SCA 150 on sale right now for $895.

I think I am going to pull the trigger on Wednesday.

I literally have a 120g sitting in my backseat. I went to a huge LFS I had never been to on Sunday and actually saw what an established 5' tank looked like. (Red Sea Reefer 625 XXL)

It ruined the 120g. It really just adds something in that extra foot I can't seem to shake.