

New member
I am on the quest, like many others, for some Southdown. Has anybody found anything in or around Austin, TX? If not, does any body want to go in on a pallet? I am upgrading from a 75 to a 135 plus going to try my hat at making rock and a back drop. . .I see a lot of sand in my forcast;)
Thanks Juan,

I'll have to go back & check for that one. I looked at all their sands but mabey that will be in a different section.
If you cant find SD, don't sweat it. It's like searching for Bigfoot. You have a better chance of finding a fellow reefer wanting to sell some.

I wouldn't look too long and hard, otherwise you're just wasting time by not getting normal aragonite sand. Everyday you put off getting sand is a day longer before you have the tank set up. :D
Look for Old Castle play sand. Apparently, Southdown is now Old Castle. I know of a guy in Houston who has tons of the stuff if you need a contact.
Man, I wish I would have known that last week!! I drove down to Houston last weekend to get the tank. Yes a contact would be great . . . Thanks