Southern Oregon Reefers BBQ/ 1st local club meeting July 12th


New member
After wanting to be a part of a local club I have decided to kick start our meetings with a Rogue Valley Reefers BBQ. Your thoughts and help would be appreciated. The BBQ will take place at my house in Ashland on July 12th. Jody from TEC will be giving a background reef talk and will be open for Q and A from the people there. I may still try to find someone else to talk but don't know for sure. It will be a bring something for the grill, and a potluck item a-g salad, h-o side dish and p-z desert or something like that. BYOB from 3-7 p.m. ish. From talking to others there are a couple existing reefclubs that are not meeting right now and to make sure everyone passionate about the hobby is more than welcome, or as to not step on any current clubs toes, so to speek, the gathering will be called the first annual RVARC BBQ. (RVARC Rogue Valley Associated Reef Clubs) Just a thought that the other existing clubs could link under one regional gathering, maybe 6 times a year in time... We have a nice fenced back yard for kids ect... Hope that this will be fun

reply and pm ect as I am trying to get an estimate on people coming


below is a link to the local forum. please log on and become a member(its free), say hi, ask some questions....