Speckles on angelfish


New member
Hi all -

I added and acclimated a lemon peel angel to my 55g FOWLR a couple weeks ago. And he’s got what looks like a strange speckled color/texture to him.

He’s mostly shy staying behind the rocks whenever I’m near the tank, so I honestly can’t tell if this is brand new or something I only noticed for the first time today while he was out in plain sight. I snagged a picture but you prob have to zoom in to notice.

Does this look normal or unhealthy? Any ideas or suggestions?


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You taking about the white "salt" speckles? I would look at trying to capture him and put in hospital tank....maybe starting of Ick, maybe other protozoan....regardless, you should look at getting it out....keep an eye on the fins area...if its Ick, it will show up there quickly.just my 2 cents
Are you talking about the brown speckles? I see them but doesn’t look normal nor abnormal to me. Is he scratching or flashing? @Dr. Reef @HumbleFish any thoughts?
Yes. The brown spots.

it’s not white like ich. Almost like brown freckles. Not sure if it’s normal or something to be concerned about.

No unusual behavior that I can see.


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ohh...brown spots...did they just appear? could be velvet, could be its natural coloring.....your guess is as good as mine.....