Spot or Stick?


New member
Looks like I'm taking the plunge and buying a Light 2 controller. Now, I want to buy a simu-LED to do sunrise, moonlight, and lightning simulations. Which would be better for a 70 gallon tank (36"x18"x25"), the spot or the stick LED? I really like how you can mount and position the spot LED, but I don't know if it will provide coverage for the whole tank. Also, doesn't the stick provide more light? I'm going to be lighting the tank with a 250W MH pendant, would one or the other be better for the sunrise/sunset in this situation?
For sure the stick as the spots I recommend for over 60" + tanks only.

You will get a nice effect with the stick.

The stick provides more overal light where as the spot gives an effect similar to the sun and moon bouncing off the surface of the water, more refraction which again goes really well in the larger tanks.

The Simu-L will cover all your needs for sure.

When ordering make sure you get the RS232 cable for easy programming of the Light II through the PC
They come with P clips that you can screw to what ever you find is sutiable on your tank, I have even seem the retrofitted to T 5 units
well take into account these are not cheap electical items, do you really want it that close to the water?

They are 55cm in length.