I have been trying to keep SPS for a couple of years now and for some reason just can't keep it alive. My parameters have been stable for a long time. I'm able to keep softies, clam, Anemone without a problem. My parameters are PH 8.1, Alk 8-9, Cal 400, Mag 1400, Nitrate 0. I use red sea coral pro salt Last Jan I updated my lighting to Radion pro's from reef breeders and still can't keep SPS. I'm starting to wonder if my well water has something in it that is causing the problem. I use an rodi system the results in o tds at the output but still wonder if I'm missing something. My powerheads are two Maxspec 230's flow seems good. My tank size is 150gal with a 40gal sump. Any help would be greatly appreciated.