Sps bleached overnight!!!!


New member
I had a nice baseball size piece of SPS for close to two months, it had really nice polyp extension and seemed very healthy, last night I noticed one of the lower branches had bleached. I didnt figure anything was wrong, and maybe it wasnt getting enough light since the upper branches were blocking it. This morning I woke up and the whole piece is white, and no polyps are visible, there also seems to be some stringy stuff coming out of the tips. The only thing that has changed in the system is a couple of days previous I introduced two pieces of Xenia, and a tongue coral. All of which are at least a foot away. Also two days earlier I had some electrical current go through the tank because of an overflow. The current was mild and only for about 5-10 minutes. Everything else in the tank is still just fine. Should I consider this coral dead and remove it, is there still any hope? If I leave it in will it poison the other inhabitants?
Sorry for the long post.
If it's completey white with no polyps it's probobly to late, but the damage has been done already, as far as excess nutrients to your tank.so you might as well leave it for a day or so and see what happens. I've heard some miracle stories of "dead" corals coming back. What kind of coral was it? RTN can move pretty quick.
Sounds more like RTN than bleaching. If it just bleached, the coral would still be alive and you can try bringing it back. But if it RTNed, then you are out of luck.

i would think that current going through a tank would be enough to stress a colony out.
When the current was going through the water the two pieces of xenia closed up and the fish were acting strange, I touched the water and sure enough I got a mild shock. That was roughly two days before the rtn occured. Its the only thing that would make sense to me. Anyone agree or disagree?
Good luck man. Voltage was the root cause of my entire tank to nuke. Zoos were OK, so were the clams. Tang developed LLD, and mimic had head erosion, I was gone for 1 week.

Check your lamps for a crack.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6979691#post6979691 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by easttn
Good luck man. Voltage was the root cause of my entire tank to nuke. Zoos were OK, so were the clams. Tang developed LLD, and mimic had head erosion, I was gone for 1 week.

Check your lamps for a crack.

how fast did your fish develope LLD. I have seen no signs of stress since the "electro-shock therapy". Everything else seems fine still.
Dunno exactly, one week for sure. When I left everything was happy, one week later I came home to a dead tank.
Any acro colony I've ever lost has been RTN due to some sort of obvious problem, usually something in shipping. They'll look fine for a day or two and even have their color, but a little shake will dislodge all of the tissue. At that point, it's pretty much dead, unfortunately. There's really very little tissue on Acropora corals, so I wouldn't be concerned about it polluting your tank. I have a couple skeletons I've kept in the tank simply because I felt bad for the little acro crabs. :D