SPS Cancer??

OK, well a quick look on a search and one page from brs said "calcium and alk to be dosed daily in equal amounts".
If not dosing the exact same amount of these solutions is really whats causing it, I would be intrigued. I know many people who do not dose BRS 2 part in exactly the same amount, but rather as the tank uses it which is usually not too far off from equal as in my case where its only about 10% difference. And I haven't seen any of those tanks with this calcite growth.
I wouldn't get too hung up on dosing levels. It's only one piece of the puzzle. There is basic reasoning to making equal additions of alkalinity and calcium. However, the reality is that this is not always the perfect scenario and one, typically alkalinity, can stray from the equal addition method.

I recommend trying to "fix" the ionic balance simply because it's easier to manipulate than chasing ph.

What I believe is occurring (I could be completely wrong here) the coral is attempting to regulate its internal skeletal tissue fluids ph to favour calcium carbonate deposition of the aragonite polymorph. When we see the blister like bumps, I think, that is a site where it is having problems concentrating dissolved inorganic carbon to create a site of diffusion where it converts the excess DIC into CO2 to deposit in the newly formed skeletal matrix. And since calcite is more stable than aragonite, it quickly builds calcite on top of the aragonite to protect it from the ph instability within the coral tissue fluid.

It all gets pretty complex and the subject is poorly studied without the greater focus being on overall ocean acidification.

Also I believe that the reason we only see some species of coral affected is that not all species have the ability to do this. Perhaps is an evolutionary trait or a gene at play.
Definitely not much info on this subject. I am just giving you the solution I came up with. My dosing amount was not to far off when the growths started as well. I realize it's rare when this happens but I think the conditions for this to happen is too. Probably not only an imbalance but I have read about pH too like acronic was saying. Never read a solution for that part of the puzzle though. Let us know what happens.
I agree it's unsightly, just don't worry too much about it. I don't recall anyone losing corals over it. Just keep up the routine and keep everything as stable as possible.

For sure keep us in the loop if you notice any changes :D
I agree it's unsightly, just don't worry too much about it. I don't recall anyone losing corals over it. Just keep up the routine and keep everything as stable as possible.

For sure keep us in the loop if you notice any changes :D

ok. Maybe its just a residual of the bump i had at the end of november when i changed lenses on my light, although it has seemed to be worsening over the past month, but ill let it run its course.