SPS Dominated Evolution Aqua


Ultimate Reefer
Evolution Aqua 1200S - approx 48" x 24" x 18"H - roughly 95G including sump.


The cabinet/stand is nothing special. But the display is really nice. The work on the glass and silicone is excellent.

Sump area.

Ecotech Marine Vectra M1

Deltec SC 1456 - rated for 1000litres

ATI Hybrid - *still to purchase*. Will be 8xT5 and 3x75watt LED clusters

1 x MP40
1 x Tunze 6095

DVH All-in-one Biopellets.

ATI Essentials. This is a new offering from ATI; it is essentially similar to balling lite.

This will be a very slow build. I have literally no time. :headwallblue: 3 kids...4th on the way...and work being ever so busy. In fact I was forced to accept delivery of the tank several weeks early as the LFS is sadly closing down and my tank had already been sitting in the store over 4 or 5 weeks. :eek:

The current 47G tank was moved across the room last week so that I could accept delivery of the new tank and could transfer the stock over slowly. Both tanks will be running until I am satisfied the filtration is ok and the parameters stable.

Fish stocking:
The fish stock will be kept low-moderate. One of the reasons for the upgrade was so that I could keep a Regal Angel and a Convict Tang as well as provide more space for my feminus wrasse.
Very nice looking tank. I've seen them in the flesh and they certainly look well made.
Are you going to be adding a background?
Nice one Sahin, tough one for NAV on his store shutting down.:( what not MH in the hood.
well you could mod it in the future.
Wow Sahin, this is going to be SWEET! I can't tell you how envious I am of your 18" height, we'll have the same footprint but that extra 2" will be great.
I have literally no time. :headwallblue: 3 kids...4th on the way...

Mate you've obviously got time! Maybe add a telly to your list of purchases?

But seriously, looks really neat. Look forward to seeing what you do with it!
I don't care what it looks like or what you put in it Sahin. It's just good to have you back with a fresh start and a cool upgrade mate :)

# I give it 6 months tops before i regret saying that when Sahin starts all his sneaky lying stuff about what he really has in the display........ :rolleyes:
Looks great, Sahin! Good luck with this build!
Very much looking forward to watching this one take shape.
Awsome Sahin! Good luck!!
I'll be following your thread and I'm very curious about the DVH All-in-one Biopellets.
Very nice. Looking forward to it. Still waiting to hear a bit more about your AEFW protocol you had mentioned.
excellent equipment choose, wavemaker, pump, light, skimmer, etc....

Way to go!!!

Note: I did not hear Apex or other controller!? Four kids!!! got to get one....please.