SPS - RSM 130 (2x55W power compact)

Dear All,

I've got a standard Red Sea Max 130, with 2x55W T5 Power Compacts.

Can I keep some hardy SPS such as Montipora Capricornis and Acropora yongei?

I've got a small stream type pump to augment the circulation, and a chiller. Just worried about the lighting? It's not really possible to retrofit anything with spoiling g the nice aesthetic of the RSM setup.

Many thanks in advance.

Idk about SPS but I kept LPS with no issues. After getting tired of the T5's I removed the lid and installed a Kessil A350w blue tuna.

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By comparison, I had a Zetlight 6600 LED over a 48"x24"x18" reef before. The Zetlight is 170W of LED lighting. That's 21.25W/sq.ft.,
Compared with 49.1W/sq.ft. of PC-T5 lighting. In truth, the Zetlight (being only about 24" long) was not enough for the 48" tank and was suspended 6" or more above the surface, whereas the T5's in the RSM have uniform coverage over the tank and are less than 2" above the surface.
I had good growth with the Monti Capricornis in my old set up, so I'm thinking I should have similar, or even results with RSM set up.