Sps scrapes?

itz frank

Gives Bad Advice.
So, over the last few days I've noticed that a few of my acros have scrape marks on them. It might be 2-3 of them.

One has a scraped nub on its base and then a few nodes up the stalk look scraped. Only minor flesh missing.

Another has a scape on a nub half way up its side.

Then, my blue voodoo frag has some stn at its base and the tip almost looks like it was smashed.

I have some large snails that bulldoze frags over so that was my initial thought.

But why the stn and smashed tip?

Alk has been steady. 7.3
Salinity is 1.026
Cal is over 400
Mag over 1300
Nitrate was .25 this morning.

Everything seems to be growing quick.

I just turned my lights up roughly 10% on my blue channels.

I know you need photos but could it be that my voodoo needs to be moved down?

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Limeade on the right is one of the corals I'm talking about. The small nub growing closest to us it scratched near the corallite.


Not a clear photo of the voodoo. But it's right below the blenny. The blue tip is no longer blue and there is stn but only in the shaded area around the base

I'll try and get better photos tonight. Perhaps I'll dip as well.

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Blennies are well known sps nippers so that maybe the cause. I'm having a hard time seeing the marks in your pics

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Looks like something's nipping at it. It could also be some STN. I've seen it happen like that in my own tank. I do think it looks really suspicious, and I hope no one on here says maybe its AEFW, its not LOL!
I think your fish is nipping. Or a rogue crab

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Looks like something's nipping at it. It could also be some STN. I've seen it happen like that in my own tank. I do think it looks really suspicious, and I hope no one on here says maybe its AEFW, its not LOL!

It has to be a crab. I have a blue voodoo missy an entire branch.

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My bet is that fish wouldn't be responsible. Not sure it would have the jaw strength to snap 1/2 of calcium like that. And I was under the impression that it was the herbivores that usually does the nipping. I've always understood it's the zoox algae millers were after.

In any event I'm hoping you can find the culprit.
I'd say either nipping or repeated friction with a fish. Like, if a fish was flashing on it or trying to find a new perch. It's telling that the marks are all on the high points of the corals, not the inner branches like I'd expect from a secret crab villain. I had a lawnmower who nipped the high points of some corals because they encrusted around tiny feather dusters that attracted algae growth. Also, corals can stn if they are exposed to repeated stress, so that's more a symptom of whatever the cause of friction is. Also, those blennies can get some serious leverage with those long bodies, if they brace just right and flex hard. inwouldnt be surprised if he was able to snap off a half inch long branch.