SPS, Soft coral, and carbon question


New member
Hey everyone,

I had a question for the people keeping allelopathic soft corals such as leathers/colt corals/mushrooms with large quantities of SPS. Where do you keep your carbon? I wanted to know if it was more beneficial to keep the carbon before the skimmer intake (in the overflow), between the skimmer chamber and the fuge, or right after the fuge before it reaches the return pump?

I know this could depend mostly on opinion, but any good explanation would be helpful! thanks :D
i use UV and carbon.....

i run my carbon in the baffles of my sump.... i cut some egg crate to fit in the baffle so that i can put a few bags of chemi-pure carbon in the baffle....

i have a large colt and a large sinularia with sps
my sump only has 2 chambers the first one where the water comes in from the overflow ..... thats where my skimmer is located..... then there is a single baffle where i place the carbon.... then from there it flowsinto the return chamber where i keep some LR rubble a lil macro and 2 of my crocea clams cuz my hippo tang decided they taste good lol....

i run everything into the first chamber .... my uv filter my phosban reactor and then all the water has to pass over the carbon before its returned to the tank....
I run carbon in my mix tank with the cabon bag in one of the baffles after the skimmer and before the fuge. I don't know why i do it but it is working out fine.