Whats the best way to maintain the proper ph in a new tank? Should I use a Ca Alk A and B solution or a lone buffering product and suppliment with a seperate Ca sol'n? My ph keeps dropping below 8 overnight.... Any other ideas?
I have been having the same problem and have started dosing kalk. From what I have read, it is the best cheap way to go. I am thinking about a DIY kalk reactor, but am waiting for now.
If there is a better way, I would love to hear it.
I kep my PH stabile at all times by using a supplement called Oceans blend. The produst has everything yourtank needs as far as supplements and will maintain proper PH levels as well as calcium, Iodine etc.
Photosynthesis removes CO2 from the water, so it can drive pH higher. A refugium thus can raise the pH while it's lit.
I think you should dose calcium and alkalinity as the test kits show a need. A high-pH supplement like limewater can help when a tank shows a low pH value, but any supplement should only be dosed as alkalinity and Ca levels show the need.
New tanks often show low pH while decomposition is still occurring since some of the secondary metabolites are acidic. How old is the tank?
The tank is about a year old, but I moved it about 2 or three weeks ago. I just checked it and it is reading 7.8. I added some Proper ph 8.2 as a quick fix but I need to get a handle on this so I don't lose my softies.
Proper pH is not a very good product for a reef tank, IMO. Using buffers to control pH tends to lead to alkalinity problems, which can be worse than the pH problem. This article might be useful:
You could try the aeration test described in that article. Also, what is the alkalinity level in the tank? You might also want to double-check the pH against another testing device or kit. I've seen a number of problems with test kits.
Nice article, I think I am going to try dosing with kalk as the article and other reefers have suggested. Chicago is a little cold right now so I would rather not tunnel in outside air. I need to check my alk level and I will post the results.
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