Stand framing

Notching or half-lapping makes me nervous when used for load-bearing. I went double all the way around my stand, supported all the way to the ground. So far inside space hasn't been an issue.


framing 101 [/IMG

Here is a pic of a stand for a 350 gal. (top down ) notice the framing. 16 on center joist and studs . top and bottom plates for total load bearing. this distributes the weight evenly.
=) Thanks Ob1. It may be overkill, but it's only my first attempt. I am hoping that I get into the hobby enough to try a double stack next time - now that would be interesting to see modelled out (on another thread of course).

Here is a stand for a 120 I'm making using 2X3's. Many of the stands I've seen for sale use ALLOT less and some even use 1X4. If I would have used 2X4 I wouldn't be able to fit the sump I want.


I hope you can wedge your sump through those bars! =)

2x3's seems smart to me, it would cut down ont he weight.

Oh yeah they're held together with 12'' x 1/2'' lag bolts. The 4x4 cross braces are there with 9'' x 3/8 lag bolts. The stand is redwood. G1
You have got to be kidding me.......

Why not just find a really big log and cut it into the shape of the tank? That would save you all the time of screwing seperate pieces together.
Wow. That would make a great Butcher Block Island with a maple top in the kitchen. And I thought I over Engineer things. Looks great.
Did you build it that way because you are in earthquake country? Do you have an acrylic or glass tank?
I am in earthquake country, but that wasn't really the reason for that design. I just wanted it to have a solid look. Of course it would have been stonger and cheaper to use 2x6, etc., judiciously placed. Actually I think the best thing for earthquake prep is to put a strap around the top of the tank and anchor it to the wall. The top is 57 x 34 inches, but I won't use all of that footprint just yet. Don't have the tank yet. I'll make it out of 3/4'' acrylic, though. There won't be any equipment under the stand, so I wanted it open. Yup lotta bottles...