Stand height

Is 38” too high for a 57 gal Deep Blue RR? I want to view my tank from sitting on the couch.

Didn't you just basically answer your question with the statement right after it?

There is no "stands must be XX inches tall" global rule..
If 38" is what it takes to be viewable over your couch then 38" is the right height...

A higher stand may simply require a step ladder or whatever to access certain areas or whatever but so what..
My 125 is about 42" at the bottom, if that helps.

The center of gravity will be higher, obviously, on a higher stand...but you can certainly build a tall stand that is also stable.
I like my stands high.
my 250DD at my shop was always viewed standing so it was 45" high.
my current 180 @ my house has a 1/2 wall with a granite handrail between my front door living room area and my office so its at the height of the wall which i think was 38"?

only you can decide optimum height. keep in mind a taller stand is much easier to work in the sump and gives you more options for skimmer height.
the downside is much more difficult to work in the tank.
the 250DD was a royal pain in the *** to do anything near the back since it was 3 feet front to back and 27" deep
I'd say go as tall as you comfortably can without sacraficing too much viewijg pleasure.

I have mine at 40" for the same reason, great view from my couch and chair, but I really wish I had a few more inches to work in ghe cabinet now that equipment is in there. . .

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I always go by the "Golden Ratio" (ratio of the sum of the two values to the larger value). It will give you the most aesthetically accurate/pleasing look.

the ratio is 1.618. If your tank height is 20", the stand should be 32" high (closest whole number).

I can guarantee you that you will be more pleased with something closer to 32".
The Mona Lisa and the Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci use the Golden Ratio. :)

if you look at Red Sea Reefer or ELOS setups, they are close to golden ratio.
I think Red Sea 20" high tank uses 34" stand.
I researched this thoroughly before I built my stand. I ended up using 33" to get the clearance inside the stand to fit my skimmer and a drawer.
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I agree that the practical issues, like skimmer height, are important when deciding stand height. But the viewing experience is paramount. The most important species is YOU. Measure the height of your eyes, when on the couch, in your favored position. If you want to see the bottom of your tank, you need it to be below your eye level.

I watch my tank from a couch as well, and I wish it wasn't three feet high. Two would be better. Find the height that gives you room to work underneath, and is low enough that you can see the whole tank from the couch.