star gazer questions


New member
I caught one of these off my dock back in december not knowing what it was. It was about half an inch long, real cool little fish. I started a 10 gal tank just for it and have been stick feeding it raw shrimp. Today and 2 inches or so bigger I finally figured out what it is, a stargazer.
Anyone ever kept one of these? I heard the shock rarely gets more than 50v, so I am not too worried about that. He refuses to eat the live grass shrimp I have in there with him and only eats from the stick lol. How big do these guys get? I am well aware that I will need to either release him or get a bigger tank in the future.
i dont really know how big they get but ur so lucky just catching one where u live. i've been wanting one so bad but cant find any store that carry them. good luck wit him and ne pics?
I have taken a few pics cell phone cam but they do not come up well. He is still too small and is a pain in the butt to take a shot of above the sand. Usually when he eats, he jumps up real fast grabs the food and disappears back in the sand. Not exactly a show piece fish for the average aquarium. I would place him in the oddball catagory of fish for people who just like having weird fish, even if they never see them.
i catch northern star gazers here on long island usualy about 12". I usualy keep them and bring them to a store that has a big display tank.
they taste great :D
catch them off Del. on occasion, seen some up to almost 2' mouth full of teeth ansd a good jolt btween the eyes
you eat them? Wow, naw I would have a hard time eating my little Grumpyfish(he always looks grumpy). Yeah 2' is definately going to outgrow any of my tanks heheh.
man how i envy u guys. the best thing i can catch out here are lepoard and sand sharks. i would like to take them home but i just dont have the tank to support them.