Started vinegar, skimmer working overtime!

It is actually.....well not the vinegar, but the bacteria it fuels that binds nitrate and to a lesser degree phosphate!
Hmm can't you accomplish the same thing ,with water changes, not having to add something unnatural to the tank? Sorry if I am being a pest. I guess I am just a less is more kind of person. Adding something like viniger seems like it would only add another source for possible failure.
Hmm can't you accomplish the same thing ,with water changes, not having to add something unnatural to the tank? Sorry if I am being a pest. I guess I am just a less is more kind of person. Adding something like viniger seems like it would only add another source for possible failure.

Not being a pest at all. As it is, I do more water changes than most. I never really struggled with algae or nutrients. That said, I am running a very high bioload in a small tank, and my corals are predominantly SPS. No way I could keep nutrients low with just waterchanges. At least that's what I've observed. If I had a more mixed or even lps and softy dominant, I would not be doing this.
Check these out.

I think I started with 0.75mL and ramped up from there. I ramped up slower than the tables recommend, and never pushed it as far as I could because I was able to get my nitrates down to acceptable levels. For a 65 gallon, I would start at around 1.5 to 2mL. I use a pipette to dispense. I have pipettes in 1mL and 2mL so its easy to measure out for me. Vodka would be even harder due to tighter range for error.
Thanks. Rovster. Anyway I just want to get into a routine with the vinegar I don't have any nitrate buildup... Yet. I do feed heavy so I wanted to make sure my skimmer picks up all the crud. will that help it along? Since it's just for maintenance should I just stick to adding 2ml daily or is that too much? Again thanks for all your help.
I asked the same question on the chem forum a while back, and the advice I got was to wait and see if I need it, then do it if I have a reason to. If your system is stable and you are happy with everything, I would say let things be. Dosing carbon is not some magic formula, its done for a reason. Now, if you wanted to add more fish, increase bioload, increase feeding, or had SPS corals that may be a little brown from moderate nutrients in the water, then that would be a reason to start. I started because I was struggling with high nitrates, and I went from 2 fish to 8 rather quickly in a small tank. Hope that helps.