Starting a 225 gallon reef tank

The GEO reactors are here and look great, but I can't take any pics. Im gonna leave them in the boxes so I can store them for now, and when it comes time to move I won't have to box them back up. Packing peanuts are a B***h!

I also placed the marinedepot order (I ended up getting a few salifert test kits too, and an ehiem pump for my return pump), now all I gotta order are the luminarc III reflectors, the tank, and the stand/canopy combo from Sean.

Will keep yall updated.



Im considering purchasing a controller for my aquarium.

I have been looking at the aquacontroller 3 with a DCA 8, and the new Reefkeeper 2. If anyone has any input on these controllers, that would be great if you shared your experiences with me.

Im kind leaning towards the AC3 because it has an ethernet port, can monitor ORP and pH, and looks a little more flexible than the reefkeeper 2. Of course it is more expensive, I just want to make sure if its evern worth the money.

I was looking at those earlier. They look really nice, but might be a little too pricey. I will keep it in mind though. All I need is a pH monitor because I already have a controller for my calcium reacto, and I already have an ORP controller.

Does the aquatronica have a built in webserver?

MdM31, What are the dimensions of the tank?

I also have a 225gl Starphire Euro-braced tank from Miracles.

I run Lumenarcs and have two 1.5" drains. I am using a Sequence DART as my return.

For san I am using Caribsea Seaflor Super reef sand.
I havent ordered the tank, but the dimensions I am looking at are 72" long, 30" deep, and 24" high. How do you like your 60" tank?? That 36 width must be sweet, but the tank is going in the family room and I dont think I could do 36" deep.

I think im gonna go with either fiji pink, or the seafloor super reef sand. How many pounds did you use?? I want a SSB, i think you have a SSB correct?

How do you like the luminarcs?

BTW I love your tank, your tank is one of the reasons im going back to sand. Thanks for the inspiration!

I love this thread since I am making all the same decisions for the exact same size tank.
Ours will be an LPS tank so I am also considering getting 10 60 inch T5 bulbs at 80 watts each and staggering them to get coverage to all points. I really love T5 lighting, but am thinking I won't get quite enough light over the whole tank.
I was thinking that. If I go MH I was looking at 3 175s plus either 2 VHO bulbs or 2-4 T5 bulbs for supplement.
you may even be able to get by with two 175s in two luminarcs since its going to be an LPS only tank. Im pretty sure the Luminarcs give you a 3x3 spread. Cant wait to see your tank up and running too! Its cool to see alot of 225s out there!

One of these days I will get some pictures up there and start a "new tank" thread. I want to have the sump first though so I am at least close to filling it with water.
Its beginning to look alot like christmas! My marinedepot order came into today, 5 boxes full!!! They even gave me two free MAG 5 pumps for some reason. Thanks MD!


All I gotta get now is the reflectors, and a new RO.

I am told my skimmer will be clearing customs on the 15th, so I should get it soon. I got my RO/DI unit mounted and plumbed, so water is now registering 0 TDS. Woohoo!
Heres my skimmer I am going to be using. A myreefcreations mr-2r. Im gonna run it on a panworld 200ps on the new tank.



What kind of skimmer are you getting???
I went with an H&S skimmer. It is in-sump as I am paranoid about leaks and this way it goes into the sump. It will be powered by 2 Eheim 1260s.
I can't wait to get it. My equipement seems to be arriving at a trickle, but it is my fault for ordering it that way.
Yeah i dont know what to do with em! lol. Ill probably use them to mix salt or something.
