Starting a 225 gallon reef tank

I just ordered my mrc mr2 and mrd cr1. I can't wait to get them. I just did the same from Championlighting. Each day another box shows up.
I see that you ordered a geo reactor and you have a mrc protein skimmer. any reason why you went with the geo instead of the mrc calcium reactor
I like the MRC skimmer, but I have heard really good things about GEO reactors so I thought I would give it a shot. I was really thinking about ordering all MRC stuff, but the GEO reactors look sturdy and have alot more bells and whistles. And from what I have heard the MRC nielsen reactor is garbage.

I will still continue to get my skimmers from him. mayeb one day I will try one of Andy's reactors.

The tank and stand/canopy has been ordered. I will keep yall updated on its status, and will provide construction pictures.

I was thinkning of using some baserock from reeferrocks, but was worried about it being full of phopsphtes. Has anyone ever used this baserock, and not had it turn green and leach tons of phopsphate into the aquarium?

All feedback, questions, comments, concerns are greatly appreciated.

Doesn't it seem as though every time you make an agonizing decision on what to do with your tank you are so close to done, and then wham! another decision to make?

For rock, I have decided to take my time and wander all the LFS and pick pieces I want. It will take longer and maybe cost a few dollars more, but I want to build a specific aquascape and will find the rocks to do it with rather than let someone else do it.

I do not know reefrocks.
I am really worrried about base rock, and will probably steer clear from it. I have seen it turn green and really make tanks look like crap.

A local reefer used some from hirocks, and he had phosphate off the charts, green algea everywhere, and the tank looked like a nuclear reactor.

I think im gona spend the extra dollars and order some boxes of fiji premium from waltsmith.

I got a pretty good amount if some live rock, and some driec out live rock in my garage. Im gonna use that, and get some more rocks from waltsmith.

construction of the stand has begun!

top front view

Front view

Back view

I will Have some pics of the trim work saturday night.

I also received notice that my tank order has been put in at miracles. So I should be getting some construction pics in the next few days.

You made a good choice buying the wavebox. I finally broke down and bought one. I get a 1 1/2" wave on my 72" tank. Really makes a difference. You can see the polyps sway back and forth.
I'm not a professional Carpenter, but I have done quite a bit of it, and I think you should put some crossbraces on that stand, the force of racking it only slightly with say 2000 lbs of water on top would tear that right down destroying the tank and stand and probably any equipment attached.