Starting a new tank after the Holidays.


New member
Well Guys I had been wanting to start a Horse ranch ( Sea horse of course) but the price of a chiller has held me back. Since I have everything except a good light and live rock which is cheaper than a chiller, I have decided to build a Zoa, Ric, Chalice tank with my 36 gallon corner bowfront. I have been stocking up on Zoas and Chalices for this set up. This being said i have two Leathers battling for space in my current tank and one of them needs to go in order for the other to prosper.

Devil's Hand Leather( which had been previously propagated

Blue Ridge Coral

i was selling them on craigslist but if any of you are interested I would be glad to trade them for Zoa frags or a Ricordia.

I really only want to get rid of one to let the other Prosper. I want a frag but any of the club members dont have one ill let it go for $20 which is what nice zoa frags or a ric go for.

I will be posting two new threads soon, one for the sump and skimmer addition that I will be doing for my current tank and one after the hollidays for the new tank.

Erik Guzman
That is part of my Chalice Collection that wili be going into my next tank.

As an added note I had posted that I wanted to trade for Zoas or a Ricordia but I will trade for just about anything, I just want which ever one of the softies that goes to have room to stretch
If you don't get any $$ money takers the NMSU tank has plenty of room to acommodate a leather. I know you prefer cash but it is an option... it has been awhile since any corals were added to the tank. Many people in this club have made donations in the past. THANKS ALL!!
Sea horses!!! Sweet! My wife wants me to build one so bad. But I told her when we end up moving, I will build a horse and algae tank for her. I don't have the energy or time to even consider taking care of 2 tanks. Can't wait to see this take off.
Horse tanks take a lot of patience, really cool though if you can pull it off. They definately have to be in a species only tank though, such slow feeders. However you can also add some pipefish that are in the same family. If you have the patience and an extra tank, go for it....
My wife wanted me to start up a seahorse tank as well. I've read into it. I'm not ready to go into super expert mode quite yet. Lol

It would be nice to see someone start one up tho. :)

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