Moving the tank in the office is a great idea!! would give me that Peninsula tank if i wanna go that way. Only problem would be that it would be hard to reach the tank (cleaning would suck from a ladder) cause its on the stair wall going downstairs. It might work though!
In that case- why not move the office where the fish room is and put the fish room where the office is? That way you get the tank in the middle of the room and you don't have to worry about stairs.
Where do the stairs go? Ideally- put the fish room downstairs. Let gravity do its thing and have the staircase near the garage, out of the way. Right now I see a lot of stairs in that room which might be visually distracting.
3rd. I dont want my guests to see the wife and i ......"getting busy" while sitting on the couch. Also gonna be a BIG fireplace there.
Makes sense but I was thinking you would have rock work that would act as a wall. Fireplace is a good idea however.
The Fishroom office swap would kinda work. Only problem is the Big Window in the office that is a focal point from the front of the house. it would be in the fish room leaving the "blue glow" from frag tanks. Not the end of the world, but not really something i want. Maybe i can leave the office and put the tank where the stairway is. then put the stairway downstairs under the upstairs stairway.
Kinda like this. only problem is the masterbedroom door. not a huge fan of that....or the master closet is in the front of the house, but lets concentrate on what matters, the tank!!! lol

Thanks for all the input. really gets my gears turning to hear other peoples input.