Steve's Reef 265 Build

There be salt water in the sump!




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So a long story....

I have a fish room that uses APEX classic. Either lightning or bad network switch port took out the ethernet interface on it. So I had to pull my classic off this tank and load the programming into it for the fish room.

Received my replacement APEX from Neptune and have it hooked up and partially programmed now. Still moving things back to the EB8's.

However I thought I would get cute and add reed switches to the doors so the APEX can turn on cabinet lighting auto-magically when a door is opened. That is four hours of my life I wish I could get back. :rolleyes:

What a pain in the rear mostly due to my aged eye site and lighting trying to screw those tiny screws in for the switches.
Oh I also purchased some macro algae today. Going to put it in the sump and see what it does. If it starts declining I will throw into my fish holding tank.

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Steve's Reef 265 Build


20% on the 60's. The 2 40's on the back aren't even powered up.

I just switched one pump to anti-sync last night. I need to move the sand back and see what happens now.

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Had some help this evening. Made some nice progress. Refugium light installed. Auto-water change plumbed. General cleanup and putting things back on the Apex.


Some free loaders took up residence. Said they do me a solid testing things out and helping with the cycle.


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Hooked up doors and float switches to break out box. Pretty neat to open the cabinet doors and have the lights turn on. :p
Added some amphipods, copepods to tank and macro algae to refugium.

Went ahead and put my two black cap basslets and hybrid black tang in.
Plans for this week: Build rolling cart to hold UV sterilizer and 1/3 hp chiller behind tank and hopefully get that plumbed in.
Plans for this week: Build rolling cart to hold UV sterilizer and 1/3 hp chiller behind tank and hopefully get that plumbed in.

Finally got the cart done lol..




Oh and I have a few fishies in the tank.

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Quick update: Still battling phosphates in the .5 to .7 range.

Continuing to drip 10ml/1L lanthanum chloride + rodi.

On a happier note but I'm sure not helping with problem above...

Jim the Gem Tang, Dory, Larry the Lineatus, Bruce the blue dot jaw fish along with several to remain unnamed zebra darts and purple fire fish are leaving QT observation and heading to the display.

Here's hoping my QT was good.

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Whelp the Achilles went ballistic on the Gem tang. I was finally able to catch the Gem again. It's in the sump for now.

Kind of worried about it though.

Swimming stationary nose down. I know it sees a reflection so just may be that.


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There's a back story here....though I saw spots on PT while in basket in display tank...

I figured no point in dosing two separate tanks and I have not seen any evidence of spots on the PT. Starting to think it was stressed and just the light playing tricks on my eyes and extreme paranoia [emoji33]

So I Added YT, PT, Gem and Naso to tank this evening. Sailfin and Clown tang are in a basket.

They are smaller and I want to see how the Achilles and Kole behave at sun up tomorrow. I'm afraid it's gonna be like the OK corral.

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Steve's Reef 265 Build

Yes I am. Not sure what I saw but I don't think ick or velvet at this point.

I've had to pull a few fish now:
Achilles-> aggressive towards gem
YT -> aggressive towards hybrid black
Clown Tang -> primarily aggressive towards lineatus wrasse but also blue hippo and powder blue.

Plan is to reintroduce Achilles after I get back from travel.

And maybe pick up a small YT.

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You have a good tank size, but the tangs you mention are somewhat aggressive, I think that simply each individual you have in your tank has a more aggressive character than usual. The YT tang aggression may be because the Black Tang is practically similar to it. Clown tang, Achilles and PW are absolutely beautiful fish, but very very aggressive. Are your surgeons of different sizes? This could play an important role, I'm not sure with surgeons, but in angels, when the fish are the same size they will generally not be tolerated, on the contrary, if different sizes are chosen, it is more successful when combining them.