Still iso the new apex

Clearly if I was looking to pay full price, then I wouldn't be looking for one on her would I

Not a lot of new Apex around at used prices. Try the national board for a used one. Once in awhile you may see a new one there, not much of a discount and no warranty unless they have receipt. Just bust open the wallet and spring for a new one at a local store.
Not a lot of new Apex around at used prices. Try the national board for a used one. Once in awhile you may see a new one there, not much of a discount and no warranty unless they have receipt. Just bust open the wallet and spring for a new one at a local store.

I was trying to imply that jokingly to the OP, but apparently, it didn't go over well. If they want a discount, they should ask for used, not new. If you want NEW, you pay full price. I just broke down and bought a NEW apex about a month ago. I paid full price.... Go figure. I never understand how people with 3 post can jump on and essentially ask for free stuff. "Hey my tank crashed 20 minutes ago, give me free corals so I can re-stock tonight." or "HEY, I want a NEW Apex, for 60% off.' This is a community. Advice is free. A NEW Apex, cost $799.00. It is what it is.
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