Stocking advice


New member

my Tank is 90 Gallons (100cm length x 70 cm width and 50 cm height with a 37 Gallon Sump.

current stock:
I have = 2 Black Clownfish
2 Pseudochromis Fridmanni
1 Bicolor Blenny
2 Mandarinfish
2 Janssi Pipefish

im want more fish, that arent afraid and show themselves more, because currently expect my 2 cleaner shrimps and my 2 clown fish the tank looks mostly empty.
Both fridmanni and the blenny are afraid hiding most of the time, altough it gotten a bit better with the bigger tank, the mandarins are mostly in the rockwork and comes out with moonlight same as the pipefish.

you can suggest any fish if you think it might fit with the tank.

heres an imgur album link of my rockwork etc. as i had problems trying to upload the pictures here
it got 20 kilogramms of live rock and about 14 kilogramms of fake rocks that were in an aquarium for about 5 months

i want to add:
2 Yellow Tangs
1 Matted Filefish
2 Yellow Watchman Gobies with a Bellulus Pistol Shrimp

maybe several smaller types of Gobies like Firefish, clown goby and red spotted gobies.
does the Yellow Tang even work in this tank or would you not suggest it?

does a royal gramma basslet work with my fridmanni or will they get aggressive?

thanks for reading this.
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As far as new fish, 2 yellow tangs in that size tank will not work. You might be able to get by with one, but 90gal is likely too small. Royal Gramma is out since the two Pseudochromis will likely harrass it.

Blenny may be hiding because you don't have any dither fish (i.e. fish that occupy the mid- to upper water column). May want to consider a small flasher or fairy wrasse instead of gobies. That said, how old is the tank? Both the mandarins and pipefish you currently have require large quantities of copepods to survive.
As far as new fish, 2 yellow tangs in that size tank will not work. You might be able to get by with one, but 90gal is likely too small. Royal Gramma is out since the two Pseudochromis will likely harrass it.

Blenny may be hiding because you don't have any dither fish (i.e. fish that occupy the mid- to upper water column). May want to consider a small flasher or fairy wrasse instead of gobies. That said, how old is the tank? Both the mandarins and pipefish you currently have require large quantities of copepods to survive.

the tank was 1 year old with 60g and i upgraded about 10 days ago to 90 g, but both the mandarin and pipefish are eating artemia i bred everyday as well as frozen food so there is no problem of them starving, also i got lots of copepods in my sand.

a wrasse looks interessting, i like this one
can i get a pair of those or should i keep only one?
is there a small type of tang or dwarf angel, a pair of coral beauties maybe? i mean bigger fish that arent so fearful that would go with 90G.
Tangs from the Ctenochaetus genus would be fine for that sized tank - either a Kole or Tomini are commonly available. As far as angelfish, Centropyge sp. would work provided you don't have coral (they tend to nip at polyps). A pair probably won't work - just single individuals. Same goes with the wrasse - only one individual per species. You can have multiple males within genera, just not the same species. Note that some wrasses are more aggressive than others, so choose wisely.

Might want to post your stocking list to this thread to get advice: