Stream 2 outlet

To clarify, they will only interchange one way, a 6205 nozzle will work on a 6105, but a 6105 nozzle will hit the bigger impeller of a 6205.
Thanks Roger,

I will be going from a 48x18x21 to a 60x24x24 main tank on my system soon. Currently I'm using 2 6055's and 3 modded 6025's for flow in my sps dominated tank with a 3-4" sand bed. I plan to go with a ssb on my 60x24x24. Will a pair of 6205's be too much or should I go with 6105's?

I would go with the 6105, the 6205 is a wider flow but the 6105 has a longer reach. I think you will end up using the 6105 at 12V on your current tank and up that to 15 or 18V for the bigger tank.