Hey Roger,
I emailed paraquatics in the UK, and they claim they can send me a US current tunze 6000 now. Are they pulling my leg, or are there some really available? TIA Chuck
It is possible he could make one. I have them on order, and have had them on order for 3 months. I have not recieved one yet. You can basically just swap the 22V transformer for a 12V transformer on a 6100 and it becomes a 6000. You can also just add a 6100Update kit to a 7200/2. I would be surprised if they are out yet in US voltage as they seem to be out of US transformers. One of the great thing about the electronic pumps is they are unaffected by Cycles so you only need the right transformer. I have British and Central European Transformers on hand that I have traded out for employees of Samsung that move back and forth between Korea and the US as well as military personel. I would suppose Gary at Paraquatics could have a similar situation and have some extra 12V US transformers.
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