Stream impellor stuck??


New member
I have 6x 6100 streams, bought at various times, almost all are working fine. Two of the more recent models are having problems with the impellor seizing up (the unit emits alarm noise).

Normally I take them apart and soak them in vinegar for 24hrs every six months to keep them free running.

The two newer pumps seem to have a different impellor design to the others? The end part of the impellor (circled in red) doesnt seem to be freely rotating, it's stuck solid, is that right?


On the older models they do spin on the axis and the pumps doesnt seem to jam so frequently.
It should not be stuck, pry it off with a slotted screwriver, carefully, work your why around gently prying it off and then clean off al the lime deposits with vinegar and a toothbrush. Be sure to put the red oring in place under neath it when you reinstall the unit and also check that the hole in the center of the magnet is clean.
This is exactly what is wrong with 90% of reported pump failures, just free up that bearing and they work perfectly.