strictly for tank shots


New member
as the title describes it. both fts and close up of pe and color. standard ots 180 gal glass and lit by 6 hydra 52's. Prefer something available at walmart
I don't understand your post... I can't see a picture if you've tried to attach one... or are you asking people to post pictures of their 180 gallon tanks with hydras?
Ah crap yeah its a question ... what would be a good camera for fts and close ups? that I can get at walmart.
A good camera for FTS would be one that has a good wide end, preferrably 24mm or wider. I have never shopped at Walmart for cameras, but going on their website I found this Canon:

It would do the job just fine with the stock lens. I am not sure what your budget is but if it is lower than that, I am not well versed on cheaper P&S options, but I do not see why any one of them wouldn't be able to take a decent shot.

If your budget is higher than that, then we can talk some more ;)