Stuns' Reef

:thumbsup: Cool shot Austin.
Did some maintenance yesterday: cleaned skimmer, cleaned sock, water change. Left the pumps off for a minute to snap a couple top-down pics (on phone):




For the (low) bioload of the tank, I've been pretty happy with the quality of skimmate this pulls (darker without flash):


Bandit look like it's doing great Austin!
Thanks guys, she's doing awesome.

I have an oppurtunity to bring her in a friend, which I've waiting on for a while, but don't know if I'm going to pull the trigger. I've got some travel for work coming up, a couple vacas, and I head Up North Michigan a ton during the summer to hit the lakes. I want to be sure the newcomer would have plenty of care so I have to decide what to do... hmmm, what to do... the story of my life!
Nothing really, things are running smoothly... thank the lord for the great chiller I have on there. It's been holding right at 70°F for me, while it's been in the mid to high ninties for a couple weeks now. Not the quietest thing, but does the job :thumbsup:
flying dutchman,

he broke the tank down a little bit ago, he had a FS thread but not sure if someone bought the tank

Still around ;) I get pretty busy with work over the summer, and wasn't really "into it" as I once was. After 8 years of non-stop salt running, decided to take a (brief) step back. My bandit and most LS went to a great reefer and friend on the west side of the state so I'll still see her occasionally. Tank is still FS if interested...
Not sure where you are located, but I would love that tank if you are anywhere near the tri-state area. PM me if you are, or if the deal is worth the drive.
