Substrate for Mangroves


Premium Member
I'm getting ready to set up my mangrove/frag tank. One half for each.
It's the upper rubbermaid stock tank that sits above the much larger rubbermaid stock tank which is my sump.
What substrate would be best to use for the mangroves? I'll be getting all my sand for the display tank from TBS so I could use that. Or I can get something else if there is something that would be better for this purpose.


Also, D2mini, if you are going to root them in the substrate include some marine mud i.e. mineral mud, Fiji Mud, etc. for excellent results
I'd post in the Macro algae section, there's a lot of very experienced mangrove growers over there :)

from what i remember, miracle mud/FORM works great.
I live near the mangroves and they do like substrate and its usually very muddy stuff they live in. You sink into it if you try to walk on it. I've tried floating them and the growth rate is MUCH slower. They simply do not grow that way in the wild and therefore its unreasonable to expect their nutrient export to be at its best when they don't have the best conditions.

Also, make sure you spray multiple times a week :)
Ya, I was thinking of using miracle mud or similar.

And as far as suspending, I was thinking of using eggcrate to help hold them up straight, at least until they get lots of good root structure into the sand.
But wondering if I should plant them right into the sand, or suspend above a little bit and let the roots grown down?
I guess I'll make a thread in the macro section.

I have an almost identical setup... 100g rubbermaid sump and mangrove tank on top--Im using a rubbermaid tote instead of a stock tank for the mangroves. Substrate is oolitic aragonite sand, I'd stay away from miracle mud too much stuff leeching into the system. I just rooted the mangrove seed pods in about 4" of aragonite, good growth with daily misting and 6500k grow bulb
2nd try

2nd try

mangrove pictures
hope you get the idea
not good at posting pictures


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Pretty cool, Greg. Thanks.
What is the purpose of the PVC?
It looks like the mangroves are secured to sticks.

I do keep hearing that mangroves do better in a muddy substrate. That's how you would find them in the wild., like MangoDude was saying above. Anyone have further thoughts on this?
I purchased my mangroves from Parker at Florida Coastal Mangroves.
I spoke with him before purchase , they dont need to be in substrate, they also use nutrients from water even if they arent full grown , bigger isnt always better.
The white pvc is a way to span the rubbermaid tup .I hot glued on plant supports that were cut down from home and garden center . On there I hot glued on green velcro to hold and too be able to adjust for when plants get bigger.
I am no expert this works for me.
Greg. Thank you for posting pics of your setup, greatly appreciated.

I particularly like the way you have incorporated the support system, Im sure you will see others emulate this design in the future. Thanks again :)
I purchased my mangroves from Parker at Florida Coastal Mangroves.
I spoke with him before purchase , they dont need to be in substrate, they also use nutrients from water even if they arent full grown , bigger isnt always better.
The white pvc is a way to span the rubbermaid tup .I hot glued on plant supports that were cut down from home and garden center . On there I hot glued on green velcro to hold and too be able to adjust for when plants get bigger.
I am no expert this works for me.

What are you using for a grow light?