substrate recommendation for DSB


New member
I'm setting up a new 72x32x24 tank and I want to go with a 4" DSB. Mostly need the sand this deep because I have several carpet anemones. I have 2 mp40's but not sure if i am going to use them yet or not depending how my flow is going to be using a barracuda return pump with about 4-6 returns.

Which type of substrate would you recommend? Tropic of Eden miniflakes?
The Tropic Eden Miniflakes is too large to function as a DSB (Deep Sand Bed). While your carpet anemone would be just fine in it, the fact that the grain size really prohibits not only enough macro and micro fauna to inhabit it, but it also does not allow for the macro and micro fauna that we want to be in that DSB to function correctly.

For a functioning DSB I would suggest using the CaribSea Aragamax, found here:
Note that this is not the "Aragamax - Select", which is a bit larger in grain size than the regular Aragamax. This sand is essentially the exact same product as the old Home Depot Southdown sand from years ago, as well as the old Pure Caribbean Aragonite brand sand from back then as well. There really is not better sand for a functioning DSB.

The next best bet would be the Aragamax Select as mentioned above, or even better the Tropic Eden Aragasnow. Both of these are still going to work for you, just not as well as the what the Aragamax would mentioned above for functionality of the DSB.
A lot of people have recommended for me to go with the Caribsea seafloor special grade especially for carpet anemones. Do you have this one and how much would i need for a 5" sandbed?
A substrate that large with that much depth is going to need to be siphoned VERY frequently, just know that going into it if you go with special grade sand. It will also not have the same denitrifying capacity as a functioning DSB. Personally, I would opt for the Tropic Eden Reefflakes which is the same size as the CaribSea Special Grade, but it's much cleaner, more uniform in size, and more white. Both the Reefflakes and Special Grade can be found at the following links:

Special Grade:

I think i will go with special grade. How many bags would i need for a 4" sandbed for my size tank?
For a 4" sand bed in that footprint tank you would want 375lbs, figuring the special grade right at 70lb per cubic foot.