Success with "living with" AEFW - potential predator or different variety of AEFW?

Im very glad i basted the corals my tri color is still bale in the bottom half but polyp extension is much better already so i think it will recover nicely.:)
Im very glad i basted the corals my tri color is still bale in the bottom half but polyp extension is much better already so i think it will recover nicely.:)

Unless your fish develop a taste for them, you need to baste and then try and grab them out of the water column or they will find the next acro.
Not only will adult AEFW that are basted off corals find new hosts (if not eaten by a fish first), but larval AEFW have a free swimming stage. Infection of one coral can quite rapidly lead to infection of any and all Acropora in the tank.
What happens if u don't basted at all will they eventually take over the host ?and my wife just recommended to use a douche lol said it will make a better stream lol thy actually have a vinegar and water one she said to (sorry guys she made me write that)
Douche away! Let us know how it works!

and also let me know how you feel when you are checking out at the pharmacy with it. Be sure to tell them you are planning to use it to get rid of worms! LOL
I somehow picked up some AEFW's. Not sure how as I haven't added any new frags in months. Did have a power outage due to storms that lasted about 8 hours, no circulation. Manually did what I could (hopefully Santa will be bringing a B/Backup). Also had the lighting schedule get screwed up and took a few days to get right (write down all settings for future use!). Yellow Wrasse didn't come out for a five days.

Noticed Red Planet, and Rainbow Milli most affected. I dipped all affected colonies. I have been using turkey baster and maxi-jet to blow off corals. In beginning I saw 20 or so adults. I have not found any more as yet, but have some FWE in case needed.Here is picture of infected Milli colony with eggs visible.

Mini Colony Before

Mini Colony after


I picked up frags from a reef show and dipped in coral RX and boom, double whammy, got both AEFW and red bugs. Picked up a melanurus wrasse today and will probably be hiding in the sand for the next week or so.
Uses interceptor 3 treatments for the red bugs and hopefully that will be the end of the bugs.
Following this thread to see what can be done without losing my SPS colonies
Lots of successes with long-term use of Flatworm Stop - 6+ months. It seems to interrupt their life cycle although it does not kill the existing worms.

There are some threads that I started if you want more info.