Premium Member
:worried:I need some help in maybe figuring out what happened to my fish... I am going to start from the beginning and see if I cant detail everything that I have done recently... BTW, I checked my water first off, after I found the fish dead... Here are my findings
SG= 1.026
Temp= 81
Dkh= 9.5
I think that is it... Ok, this is an established 90 gallon tank, and all but 1 of the fish were 4 years old... The other one was a Blue Hippo Tang that was about 2 months old to me... I kept the Tang in QT for 4 weeks, and fed it/made sure it had no disease... It had been in my display for the past 3 weeks or so, and NO it did not have ICK or anything else... Her color was great, and she was fat and healthy/ loved to eat... Now, I have been trying to start back on building my reef after the hurricane killed it a couple of years ago... I had done everything I felt necessary before I added any corals, etc... Over the past 1.5 weeks I have been adding corals, and 1 anemone... I also added a clown gobe, and a lawnmower blenny... The 2 fish that are still alive, and looking just fine are the Blenny, Goby, and 2 Clownfish (suspicious):hmm1:
Now I am going to give a list of my many purchases
over the last 2 weeks to see if anything sticks out
1 hairy shroom, 1 bubble coral, 1 Green Goni, assorted zoos, and assorted Ricordia (many of both), 1 blastomussa, 1 candy cane, a couple of diff. shrooms... Ok, I think that covers new fish, and Corals... Now I also have added about 10-15 lbs of live rock (pukani), and also a saddle carpet anemone... Some people told me to watch the Anemone because it would eat fish and shrimp, so I have been, and have not seen it eat anything, but I am still suspicious, and I will tell you why
Yesterday, I went home @ lunch w/ a couple of new corals
(hairy shroom, and anthilia, which I think I forgot to mention above)... When I got there, my 4 new Koralia powerheads were at the door:fun4:... I picked up the powerheads, and decided I would install them, while I acclimated the corals... So for about an hour to 1.5, I was in the display putting in power heads... In the middle of all this, I stopped to check on all my fish, and to feed them... I had already installed the Koralia #4 behind my rockwork to keep that zone circulated, and when I looked in behind there to see how it was blowing, I noticed all of my fish were back there enjoying the flow, including the Tang... So then I mixed up some Julian sprung mixed Algae flakes, and some coral frenzy, and some brine shrimp to feed... I put all of this in the tank, and watched ALL of the fish eat... The Tang was attacking the food as always, and looked great... So i finished putting in the powerheads, and the corals, and went back to work... When I left, I noticed that a good bit of the food had landed in, and was stuck to the Anemone... When I came home, I had stopped at the LFS, and picked up a nice frag of yellowish Ricordia, so I started acclimating it... I took a moment to look over everything, and noticed that a few of the fish were in one end of the tank, kind of acting funny... Funny because usually when I am standing in front of the tank, they are trying to get me to put some food in... I just figured that they may have had a day like mine, and were resting... Since they were all normal just a few hours before, I did not worry... When I was going to bed, I looked in again, and noticed the same thing except the tang was in her bed, like always @ midnight, and just figured she was sleeping... I got up this morning, and she was
DEAD... the PJ cardinal, and Yellow tail damsel were also not looking too chipper... I went home for lunch again today, and found the PJ and the damsel both laying in the same spot :eek1
I am a little bit worried here:worried2:... I mean, I take care of everyone in there, and a couple of those fish were like parts of the family, we had them so long... there was absolutely no reason for them to die, as I inspected them when I pulled them out for any sign of disease... I did not figure it was disease anyway since they literally died in a few hours of being just fine.
I figure that there is a few reasons that could have caused this, and need some help maybe with something that I have not thought of
#1... I have added a lot lately, but none of it IMO should have caused fish to die, unless it was the Anemone
#2... maybe one of the Ric frags was still releasing some toxin when I put it in
#3... THIS IS THE ONE THAT I AM SUSPICIOUS OF..The Anemone killed the fish... HERE IS WHY
A... People told me that it was dangerous, just maybe not to what extent
B... My clowns are both still alive
C... The fish probably wanted to get some of that food that was stuck to the Anemone, and ended up getting stung or something
D... Because I cant think of one other single thing that would have absolutely instantly killed 3 fish, and maybe more when I get home (fingers crossed, I hope not)
#4... I cant imagine why this one would apply, but thought I would throw it in... I did install those 4 new powerheads yesterday right before they died, and in the process was moving rocks around, and just basically causing a small ruckuss in that tank... Which I have done many times before with no ill effects
I hope we can figure this one out, this really upsets the hell out of me, and I may not sleep again tonight:sad1:
SG= 1.026
Temp= 81
Dkh= 9.5
I think that is it... Ok, this is an established 90 gallon tank, and all but 1 of the fish were 4 years old... The other one was a Blue Hippo Tang that was about 2 months old to me... I kept the Tang in QT for 4 weeks, and fed it/made sure it had no disease... It had been in my display for the past 3 weeks or so, and NO it did not have ICK or anything else... Her color was great, and she was fat and healthy/ loved to eat... Now, I have been trying to start back on building my reef after the hurricane killed it a couple of years ago... I had done everything I felt necessary before I added any corals, etc... Over the past 1.5 weeks I have been adding corals, and 1 anemone... I also added a clown gobe, and a lawnmower blenny... The 2 fish that are still alive, and looking just fine are the Blenny, Goby, and 2 Clownfish (suspicious):hmm1:
Now I am going to give a list of my many purchases

1 hairy shroom, 1 bubble coral, 1 Green Goni, assorted zoos, and assorted Ricordia (many of both), 1 blastomussa, 1 candy cane, a couple of diff. shrooms... Ok, I think that covers new fish, and Corals... Now I also have added about 10-15 lbs of live rock (pukani), and also a saddle carpet anemone... Some people told me to watch the Anemone because it would eat fish and shrimp, so I have been, and have not seen it eat anything, but I am still suspicious, and I will tell you why
Yesterday, I went home @ lunch w/ a couple of new corals

I am a little bit worried here:worried2:... I mean, I take care of everyone in there, and a couple of those fish were like parts of the family, we had them so long... there was absolutely no reason for them to die, as I inspected them when I pulled them out for any sign of disease... I did not figure it was disease anyway since they literally died in a few hours of being just fine.
I figure that there is a few reasons that could have caused this, and need some help maybe with something that I have not thought of
#1... I have added a lot lately, but none of it IMO should have caused fish to die, unless it was the Anemone
#2... maybe one of the Ric frags was still releasing some toxin when I put it in
#3... THIS IS THE ONE THAT I AM SUSPICIOUS OF..The Anemone killed the fish... HERE IS WHY
A... People told me that it was dangerous, just maybe not to what extent
B... My clowns are both still alive
C... The fish probably wanted to get some of that food that was stuck to the Anemone, and ended up getting stung or something
D... Because I cant think of one other single thing that would have absolutely instantly killed 3 fish, and maybe more when I get home (fingers crossed, I hope not)
#4... I cant imagine why this one would apply, but thought I would throw it in... I did install those 4 new powerheads yesterday right before they died, and in the process was moving rocks around, and just basically causing a small ruckuss in that tank... Which I have done many times before with no ill effects
I hope we can figure this one out, this really upsets the hell out of me, and I may not sleep again tonight:sad1: