Sugar Dosing

Yeah. I prefer the traditional green that are actually green! Made with the green salsa. I don't know how your family makes them but my mom and grandma used to make them with the tomatillo (the green tomato for those that don't know. Lol). Those were incredible. The cream of mushroom ones have grown on me tho.

What I love is mole and everyone in town seems to make it out of the glass jar you find at the store. Thank god my mom still makes hers from scratch. Toasted bread, chocolate, two or three different types chiles and some other family recipe secret ingredients..... Mmm mmm! :)

Anyway, yeah this sugar thing is going good. Exceeded my expectations by far.

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Mole! I miss my moms mole and my aunts. My aunt would make a green mole that was out of this world. They were born in Oaxaca, Mexico and all my moms sisters know how to cook. The funny thing, is my mom says that her youngest sister is the best cook.

Miss being back home sometimes especially this time of year. They get down on some real traditional cooking: empanadas, sopes, barbacoa, cabritos, quesadillas, mole, tamales, etc. They make the traditional tamales out of banana leafs and the inside of the masa is pork with mole! It is the sh!t! My tia gets down on some guaraches and sopes filled with black beans, the real oaxacan cheese, and pork. While my other tia gets down on some barbacoa that is sinister!!! F!ck, I am hungry!!!!!

Have you tried dona chuchena on mesa? went there and food was real good. The mole rivaled that of my moms. That good.
Dude!!! You're making me hungry!!! I just came down with a nasty cold. I'm going to be eating caldo de pollo all weekend. :sad2:

The original Maria Chuchena in Juarez was waaaaay better than the one here. :sad2:

But yeah all that food sounds really good. My in laws are from Parral but now live in Cruces. My father in law lived in a ranch so they were always slaughtering pigs and goats. He slaughters a goat or pig every so often here too. As a matter of fact, I was out there at the beginning of November helping him slaughter one. He made some killer carnitas and some red asado! Was great. I brought the head back home to EP for my parents. They're going to make some tamales de cabeza with it. I stopped by Steffen's place the day we slaughtered the pig. I think he took a pic of the head. lol. I wonder if he still has it. I'll ask.
1+ For Parral and Specialy the neighboring town of Santa Barbara! My mom is from there, and we own a ranch out there. I love going out on the Holidays and Slaughtering something and making a big @ss party!
1+ For Parral and Specialy the neighboring town of Santa Barbara! My mom is from there, and we own a ranch out there. I love going out on the Holidays and Slaughtering something and making a big @ss party!

When ever you go to slaughter and have a party, let me know. We will come with you. Now is this in Santa Barbabra CA or is there one in NM/TX? I don't think we can follow you to CA! LOL

Man I love this time of the year. Next week, I am showing my neighbor how to make tamales. I haven't made them in a while but the last time I did, my mom was so impressed, that she asked me to make some for the church to donate!
I would have to get started now in order to have them ready for the meet. Chihuahua, isn't that like a 4 hour drive from EP? Plus, other then Rocky Point, Mansanillo, Puerto Vallarta, or Cancun, my wife would not even venture into these parts of Mexico.
:dance::clown::jester:You guys are funny for a moment while reading this thread I couldnt remember if I was at reefcentral or reading on chef emiral's recipes but now I got the munchiesssss!!!! :smokin:
Whoa! I almost died over the weekend cuz of a nasty cold, but it's all over now. Just a bit of sniffles.

Anyway, all parameters are still checking out at zero. GHA is still dying off.

Tang was place in the QT on Saturday and treated with API Super Ick Cure. She's still in the QT and looking waaaay better.

Just wanted to update.

Over and out.


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Sorry for the delay. Here are the before and after pics. The second pic was taken with my phone so its kinda fuzzy. And I moved the rock around as well.

The Tang went through the Ick treatment and has been placed back in the main tank.


Hey Jesus, from the looks of the rock with the hairy mushroom, the the GHA is really going away. The sugar dosing seems to be working. great job, keep us updated
Yeah. About a week ago the GHA started to grow in places it hadn't been while it was receding in others. Nitrates and Phosphate still tested at zero. I assumed there were still nitrates just not so many to show up on the teat again or the GHA had it locked up so I raised my sugar dose by 1/8 tsp. I've been dozing 3/8 tsp for a week now and the new GHA growth has stopped and the old GHA is still dying off.

I'm sure the vodka would've worked the same. Vodka and sugar are basically the same concept: carbon source.
The biggest thing i read about doing the vodka was that you really need to have detectable nitrate and phosphate. The system had both present in detectable amounts.
Ok. I've been giving this a thought. I have a friend that works for the city in the water department. He assured me that the only thing added to the city's water is chlorine. So here's the deal.

Our main issue with using RO/DI water is the possible (and nearly inevitable) presence of nitrates in the water along with possible ammonia and phosphate. Also, copper may be present if you have copper pipes.

Now let's say we were to use a conditioner to neutralize chlorine and heavy metals and are dosing sugar/vodka.

Will the bacteria being fed by the carbon source such as sugar or vodka consume the nitrates and phosphates found in the tap water fast enough to not see an effect on the tank? I myself experienced that it is fast enough to consume them before the nuisance algae does but, again, will it consume it fast enough during water changes???

I'm about 75% convinced it'll work. I'm very tempted to try it out. (big risk I know, I know)

What are y'alls thoughts?

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I would be concerned about the addition of other unwanted dissolved/undissolved organics and silicates. I know that the TDS of the water coming into my RO/DI unit is +/- 450. That means there is alot of stuff other than nitrates and phosphates that are getting filtered out. My own personal experience and battles with algae over the years has made me a firm beliver in the use of a water purification system. I do admit I have never done any sugar/vodka dosing so I can not say without a doubt it will or won't work.
well it should work in theory, but i wouldnt even set up a fresh water tank with tap water, i believe that the water u use is the number one most important thing in a tank. i mean think about it. thats the first contact and beginning of everything. you could have the best of the best everything else but doesnt really matter if your water stinks.
... i believe that the water u use is the number one most important thing in a tank. i mean think about it. thats the first contact and beginning of everything. you could have the best of the best everything else but doesnt really matter if your water stinks.

Setup a RO/DI unit. It just removes one variable from the equation when you are tracking down high algae producing nutrients in a tank and saves you a bunch down the road.

Would it work, most probably. However, you would have too incabate the bacteria and be able to introduce it into the water. This of course is not the hardest part. the hardest part would be to monitor the bacteria in the water source in the same fashion that you are doing in your DT.

Now, not all bacteria are created equal. Some attack NO3, NO2, PO4, chlorimines and such with no problems. While the same bacteria may have a hard time in breaking down the heavier elements that are carried in our water systems such as copper, silicates, nickle, irons, hydrocarbons (gas fumes and oil run off), potassium, alkides, etc.

I follow you though. This hobby is expensive already and have tinkered with the notion of setting up a solar array that is capable of producing high heat during the suns peak. Then boiling the water that i took out for my water change with this array . I would capture the steam and voila, i have purified water again without having to throw away 12-15 gallons a month into the sewer system. That is money down the "drain" and such a waste. In essence, i would be recycling. Maybe, some day i will do this.