Laura D
Premium Member
Hi, I was wondering if anyone had a suggestion on another clam that I could get. I currently have T derasa that I have had for about a year and a half. It seems to be growing nicely, it had added about two inches of new growth to it's shell sine I have had it. I was hoping to get another type of clam if you all think my tank will support it. I have a 155 gallon tank, with three 175 watt MH bulbs, 10k, and 4 four foot actinic VHO bulbs, (I just can't remember the wattage now, but you know what I am talking about right?) I dose about two gallons of Mrs Wages a day like kalk, and am thinking of getting a calcium reactor.
Do you think I could get a maxima? I have the ability to keep it right up under the light.
Do you think I could get a maxima? I have the ability to keep it right up under the light.