Suggestion on next clam

Laura D

Premium Member
Hi, I was wondering if anyone had a suggestion on another clam that I could get. I currently have T derasa that I have had for about a year and a half. It seems to be growing nicely, it had added about two inches of new growth to it's shell sine I have had it. I was hoping to get another type of clam if you all think my tank will support it. I have a 155 gallon tank, with three 175 watt MH bulbs, 10k, and 4 four foot actinic VHO bulbs, (I just can't remember the wattage now, but you know what I am talking about right?) I dose about two gallons of Mrs Wages a day like kalk, and am thinking of getting a calcium reactor.

Do you think I could get a maxima? I have the ability to keep it right up under the light.
A squamosa would do well in that setup as well.

What are your tank dimensions? 175 watt means that clams like Maximas and crocea should be kept closer to the surface with the lower watt halides.

And when you add that much topoff, is this in a nice slow dripping format? Most clams are not very find of rapid changes in their invironment.
But two gallons of lime water should supply a fair amount of CA to your system, but this also depends on what else is using the CA like other SPS and LPS.
Hi Laura,

I think Hammer is right on about the T. Squamosa being a nice addition to your tank :) If you ever decide to up grade to 250 MH then I think you will see a nicer colouration in your clams.

I try to keep my ca up over 440ppm but have a ca reactor .

Well, I forget how tall it is right now, its an Oceanic 6 foot long 155 bow front, but due to my aquascaping I could put a clam right up under a bulb at the very top of the water line, I have a "pinnacle" rock structure on one side of my tank. We drip the lime water nice and slow, but I am going to be building a calcium reactor soon, I have a friend who is going to walk me through it.
That is a pretty deep tank for 175 watt MH and higher light loving clams.
A squamosa is still your best bet for another clam.
You could keep a maxima up pretty close to the lights, but then you could have problems with too much current sometimes.