Suggestions for equipment on my new 260?


New member
With some limitations. As unpopular as it will probably be, I am thinking of running the tank sumpless. I'm not crazy on drillng, less crazy still about HOB overflows and frankly I'm slightly limited on space. Plus, my wife is about to bust my head for the money I spend on this hobby already.

That said, I have some questions.

Let me start by saying I'd like to keep clams, LPS, softies and some Zoas. Fish bioload will probably be pretty minimum, with a maximum of maybe 8 fish including a Mandarin. The tank is 84" in length, and 30" in depth with I believe a 24" width.

For circulation, I am really liking the Tunze wavebox, or the Tunze streams. I've also considered Seios, but am open to other options as well. I'm curious about using the Tunze and Seio with an Aquacontroller III Pro, as it sounds like both of these require their own controller. At the least, I know the Seio does. Is this true of the Tunze as well? Any other options would be fine as well but I'm curious for your opinions on what would be best for water movement.

Secondly, lighting. I have decided either 4x250 MH with T5 actinics or 3x400 with T5's. For the critters I intend to keep which of these lights would be acceptable?

My biggest question is skimmers. Right now I have only a 55 gallon and am using a HOB but I know I'm going to need to go bigger obviously on this size tank. I'm pretty clueless on skimmers, but I am thinking there are skimmers that can be stored beside or under the tank and I guess plumbed into the system? Any suggestions?

Any suggestions on calcium reactors?

I am pretty sure I can handle all the small equipment like heaters but is there any larger equipment I've overlooked?

I'm not too limited on money, but I don't want to go crazy unless it's a real benefit to my system. So, any suggestions on what I might use to run a relatively clean looking and hassle free sump free system?

Any help is appreciated! :D
The best investment for your tank is a skimmer, and there is no HOB skimmer that will handle a 260G tank. I would install a sump and invest in a high quality skimmer. There are other areas where you can cut your costs, don't skimp on your skimmer.
80" worth of CPR bakpaks? I dunno, without a sump for a tank this size your options are really limited... You can go with a hob skimmer, and then look at alternatertive methods to keeping your water in check, Very frequent water changes, ozone, prodobido (not sure), and a small bio load.
i wouldnt be so hesitant on overflows.ive been running a double one made by lifereef and have not had one problem with it for two years now.even when you cut the pump off it still keeps it syphon and restarts without a hitch.but honestly drilling your tank would be the cheapest option.if you have a local reef club im sure someone will help you out.
So, it sounds like going sumpless is almost not an option then if I intend to have a quaity skimmer.

I do have a spare 120 gallon tank that would probably fit right under mine. Also, the people selling me the tank have two (roughly) 30 gallon sump/fuges and pumps that were running with the tank on HOB overflows. They offered me those for $100 in addition to the tank.

Any other input as far as lighting goes for what I want to keep or other equipment? Also, if I want a quality in sump skimmer what kind of ehight am I looking at? Unfortunately the stand that comes with the tank is not all that tall. Part of the reason I was considering sumpless. I'm limited for space and not crazy about building a new stand although I will if I have to.
For skimmers, reactors and such, there are ways to get a good outcome without a sump. But in my opinion they will cost more, and be less attractive to look at. A sump really can move a lot of stuff out of the tank. It sounds like you can go sump but are a little nervous. But really it makes the tank much easier to take care of (water changes), nicer to look at ( less equipment in tank) and more stable( more water). So if you can go sump do it. If it is a imposible feat than there are other things you can do but none will be a good as the sump.

As far as lighting goes the clams are the only high light animals you listed, and they will vary a bit with the type of clam.
I would think that 3 lights in large reflectors like the lumnenarc. hung a bit up off the water will give a good spread. And if you want crocea close to the bottom then go 2 x 250 and 1 x 400 over the clams. You can always add another light later if you want. Add t5 attinic to taste.

I have tunze streams and love them. I have seen the wavebox in action and want one. And just because it isn't a sps tank does not mean you don't need good flow. A wave box with streams and a dart as a return pump should give you great flow.

Good luck