Old School Reefer
WTMRAC met last night at the home of Michelle and Tim Bennett. There was minimal attendance of club members. We decided that the Frag Swap planned for September 28 at the AgriCenter is to be either canceled (at worst) or postponed (at best). There was considerable discussion about lack of member support in terms of willingness to attend meetings and events, and willingness to host meetings. A recent plea for show of such active support (online at WTMRAC Reef Central and via direct email to club members) generated a great deal of positive feedback about interest in the club but produced insufficient support to warrant the continuation of club activities. However, because the plea for support was only recently sent out, and because some club members may be on vacation, members of last night's meeting unanimously decided to postpone club cancelation for a month. Instead, we will hold a our next meeting at club president Jay Blundon's home on August 24. If there has not been sufficient renewal of club support by that time, WTMRAC will disband and club resources will be donated to a non-profit charity. If, on the other hand, we are able to generate renewed interest in WTMRAC by the August meeting, we will then schedule further club meetings and discuss the possibility of holding the frag swap at a later date (possibly October or November). Those present at last night's meeting all felt that WTMRAC serves a vital purpose to the local community in promoting interest and knowledge about the marine and reef aquarium hobby, but as with any club, we need active member support to be able to carry out this purpose. We hope present club members will reconsider the value and importance of continuing WTMRAC and reassess their own willingness to contribute to the club's future success.