Sump pump dry run protection and auto TOP-OFF ,help pls.


New member
So I have a New tank with a GHOST OVERFLOW with three out lets .The weir is 21″long so its very unlikely that it would clog . Making a DISPLAY tank flood very unlikely .....BUT what I'm trying to avoid is my SUMP PUMP from running dry ....I've been looking at so many options that my head is spinning .At the moment I dont have a auto top-off and the tank is not running so what I want to Implement is 1.sump run dry protection AND 2. a auto top off for my TOM Aquarium Aqua Lifter Pump.If i could achieve this with the lowest level of wife aggro that be awesome sauce.
Dont worry about dry run protection.. Most pumps won't have a problem running dry for quite a while and its such a rare thing it really just not needed...
Most people I'm quite sure do not have anything for that in their tanks/sumps.

Get an ato system...check bulkreefsupply or any other aquarium retailer to see your options....
Tunze is a really nice system but for the most part all will get the job done...

If you really want dry run protection then a cheap ato float/relay from aquahub is all you need... I think bulkreefsupply sells that ato setup also..
This one will do it..
But I really don't see you needing one unless there is something special you left out..
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