sump question


New member
I want to turn my 29 glass aquarium into a sump and I have some really thick acrylic that I want to use. Can I do this ? Or should I ask can acrylic work installed in a glass tank???
It'll be fine. I might find some thinner stuff (depending on what you mean by thick-I usually use 1/4" or less), but silicone it in place and instant sump. Have something to prop or hold the acrylic in place while the silicone dries and it's an easy job (don't get me wrong, you'll still want to cuss). Silicone is forgiving when you don't have decent enough tools to make a clean cut;).
thanks for the reply. I will have to look at the acrylic again..I am thinking it is 1/2 inch thick was display shelving that we took out of the store during a remodel. I could just get some thinner stuff if needed . Now all I have to do is figure out just how to place the acrylic since I have never seen anyone else's sump. I have been researching sumps for a while now and I have some basic ideas. It will be a while before I need to do this project since I am still gathering what I need to set up the 75 gallon .
Thanks again
thanks Reef2 that does seem like the way to go since this will be my first attempt at making a sump so it would guarantee me a little space for error..I will look for the weatherstripping.