"sun anemone"? from fishtown / bali

Corpus Callosum

Premium Member
posted some info on an anemone I'm trying to ID at the following thread :


please check it out and help me figure this out :)




H.Malu ( carnation anemone )

nice coloration almost looks dyed but i seen one that was posted somewhere thing was huge and kept the cool coloration
What if Anthony Calfo is really an evil man with an evil plan?

Maybe he has it out for all anemones and is just getting us to massacre ours. Maybe?

its incorrectly ID on the site its not Entacmaea (sp) from my understanding that would make it some kind of bta but its a herectis malu from what i have been seeing.
i know its not dyed i have seen 1 before that people said was dyed and its tripled in size and has the exact color. i dont remember where i saw the post i think it was rdo i dont remember but the guy had it for a few months and it was growing and keeping the color.

looked identical so it def isnt dyed.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6951325#post6951325 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnfallon
What if Anthony Calfo is really an evil man with an evil plan?

Maybe he has it out for all anemones and is just getting us to massacre ours. Maybe?


:lol: :lol: :lol:
The faint rings and shorter tentacles are indicative of the H. malu ID rather than crispa. As I said, a friend had this same purchase from the store for months and it tripled in size while maintaining the color so I think I just got a really nice yellow/red foot color morph of this non-hosting anemone species, and got lucky with my saddlebacks taking to it as well.

Thanks for the feedback, I've resolved my issue and will indeed cut this ***** up in a few weeks.
keep an eye on it and make sure the clowns don't stress it and kill it, if is not a hosting anemone and they seem to be settling a lot on it.
Hah! I knew it!

As a club, I think we are going to flood the market with several species soon. Of course, the idea of a tank swaddled in astroturf, crowded with clones, sitting next to the tv is going over like a lead baloon.

She does like the idea of a greenhouse though. I think I mentioned she's an avid gardener, and the idea of starting tomatoes early makes her happy. (and she's psyched that I may actually be able to generate electricity money from this "hobby")

Thanks again for all the tips, and the enthusiasm. You're a blast! I need some of the silver xenia you mentioned, coming this way anytime soon? Maybe come up to trash Warren and Chris's Carpet in a month or two. Maybe we could make a presentation of it during a club meeting? I'll buy gas and dinner/hotel etc.. Pm me if you'd like to discuss further.

I dont think we will ever flood the market but we can definitely make some stuff more readily available to people in the hobby. LIRA members will be ablke to get there hands on some of the more sought after stuff. Im totally psyched to do this both from an ethical standpoint and also a financial one. It would be nice to defray the cost of running the tanks.
I hope you're right about there being some demand Chris. All I can imagine is having a tank filled with these critters that noone wants, and that I am ethically bound to care for.
No matter what there will always be a market--even if its store credit and a LFS. Its a win win situation i do believe and just because there may not be a market here for something doesnt mean there isnt one somewhere else in the US. Gotta think of it that way :)